Schools Out!
Calling for complete end to compulsory education. Public school is so bad it should not even be an ELECTIVE!
Thursday, 25 June 2020
The New Imprisonment - Quarantine
The time is ripe! The world is new, never again to return to what we have always known. Greed, lust and laziness have fertilized this new paradigm we are living in. It is not destined to improve. In fact, we have allowed educators to shape our new world, and face it, they have been manipulated and used in the process. Nevertheless, we have an Orwellian future. Scratch that, we have an Apocalyptic future. The wicked are in control. The vile control the money and conscience is no more. Welcome to an amoral future for your kids and grandkids. It's called survival. Prepare. My school is out, really out, and so is yours. You just don't know it yet. The powers that be are just stringing you along. I've been pointing to this for years. No listeners. We will all listen now as we watch the new edu...indoctrination ramp up. It's coming. Are you ready?
Monday, 27 March 2017
College Students - They can't spell!
College Students — They can’t spell, write or master math
University students: They can’t write, spell or present an argument
University students can’t write decent English. Worse, their attempts to do so show that many can’t follow a logical train of thought or present a reasoned argument. In fact, growing numbers are not ready for the demands of higher education.
The poet and playwright Michelene Wandor says: “They don’t know what a sentence is, what a verb is, what a noun is. They struggle with apostrophes and they often don’t know what tense they’re writing in.”
The children’s author Yvonne Coppard agrees. “Their syntax and grammar are sloppy, they have sentences that draggle all over the place, you can see whole pages without paragraphs, and as for speech punctuation – I don’t know what’s happened to that!”
Seven years ago, the Royal Literary Fund launched a fellowship scheme to place writers in universities to help students with their writing. The idea was that working writers would be able to help students in all subject areas communicate better. Since then, 130 writers have worked in 70 universities and colleges, and there are now 60 fellows in post. They work in a range of institutions, from the top-of-the-range to the more humble, and the scheme has been very successful. All have run into the same experience of today’s students’ lack of skills. And now they want the world to know just how bad it is.
Nicholas Murray, a biographer, novelist and poet working at Queen Mary, University of London, says: “I have first-year English undergraduates arriving with essays so incoherent I’m not sure they would have stood up at O-level. After 13 years of education these students are just desperately unable to express what they want to say.”
They don’t seem to be reading either, he says. “You would think that English students would have a passion for language and literature, but it’s not like that. They are excessively dependent on the internet. They think it is the source of all knowledge. One girl quoted Plato in her essay and the source she cited was Yet these are clever, energetic and imaginative students. Somewhere they’ve been badly let down.”
Hilary Wilce reports
University students can’t write decent English. Worse, their attempts to do so show that many can’t follow a logical train of thought or present a reasoned argument. In fact, growing numbers are not ready for the demands of higher education.
This damning verdict comes from professional writers who have been working with students in universities. They are shocked at what they have found, and have decided to make public a report summarising the full depths of their concerns.
“Most contemporary British students arriving at university lack the basic ability to express themselves in writing,” says the prize-winning biographer Hilary Spurling, launching the report, Writing Matters.The poet and playwright Michelene Wandor says: “They don’t know what a sentence is, what a verb is, what a noun is. They struggle with apostrophes and they often don’t know what tense they’re writing in.”
The children’s author Yvonne Coppard agrees. “Their syntax and grammar are sloppy, they have sentences that draggle all over the place, you can see whole pages without paragraphs, and as for speech punctuation – I don’t know what’s happened to that!”
Seven years ago, the Royal Literary Fund launched a fellowship scheme to place writers in universities to help students with their writing. The idea was that working writers would be able to help students in all subject areas communicate better. Since then, 130 writers have worked in 70 universities and colleges, and there are now 60 fellows in post. They work in a range of institutions, from the top-of-the-range to the more humble, and the scheme has been very successful. All have run into the same experience of today’s students’ lack of skills. And now they want the world to know just how bad it is.
Nicholas Murray, a biographer, novelist and poet working at Queen Mary, University of London, says: “I have first-year English undergraduates arriving with essays so incoherent I’m not sure they would have stood up at O-level. After 13 years of education these students are just desperately unable to express what they want to say.”
They don’t seem to be reading either, he says. “You would think that English students would have a passion for language and literature, but it’s not like that. They are excessively dependent on the internet. They think it is the source of all knowledge. One girl quoted Plato in her essay and the source she cited was Yet these are clever, energetic and imaginative students. Somewhere they’ve been badly let down.”
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
By Diane Kepus
June 19, 2016
June 19, 2016
America’s parents may not like what I am about to say, but they need to give serious consideration to it. We have made some serious decisions regarding our children over the years under the direction of our government and others. We have sent our children to school for “strangers” to manipulate; listened to big Pharma along with the government create health problems when there were none to force medication and vaccinations; allowed our children to live in front of the “boob tube” rather than play outside and using the ads to make them overweight and have you buy them whatever they wanted.
Darn it – if you aren’t willing to give up 18 years of your own personal life for each child you have – then you shouldn’t have any. And NO I am NOT going to pay for your birth control!
I guess it wasn’t bad enough to ruin our children’s futures through their education - the power’s to be had to have back-up systems in place to make sure the goal of “total indoctrination” was completed by a certain date. Heck, most in college these days don’t know the names of the capitals of the 50 states or who their President or Vice-President is. They can’t add or subtract without a calculator or computer and respect – they have none for themselves let alone others.
I have talked in the past about Monsanto and how the Federal government has allowed them to taint our food, not have to list the true contents on labels or tell us where a particular food came from (fish, shrimp, chicken and what country).
The government also created a world so that both Mom and Dad would almost be forced to work to survive – so then who was taking care of your children? Day Cares, schools and baby sitters – STRANGERS!
Medically the plan was all laid out too! In the 60’s and 70’s the push was for every time your child sneezed they were given Ampicillin. Ampicillin only works against bacteria; it does not treat viral infections like the common cold or help with a runny nose when a child is cutting a tooth. Erring on the side of caution certainly applies to giving your children medication.
Repeated use can cause a second infection or over time make a child allergic or build up a resistance to it. Use ampicillin with extreme caution in CHILDREN younger than 10 years old who have diarrhea or an infection of the stomach or bowel.
Years ago, if a kid was bored and didn’t listen well in class, he was considered lazy, a daydreamer or perhaps a bit rambunctious. These days, he’s labeled with a mental disorder. Teachers are quick to suggest testing, medication and that he or she is ADHD.
The CDC says 6.4 million kids ages 4-17 have been “diagnosed with ADHD” since 2011. And that stat doesn’t even include the 198,000 kids under age five who are taking ADHD drugs. Besides that, I guarantee you, these numbers are a lot higher today because every year the rates continue to skyrocket.
How can this be? You don’t suppose it could be a made up diagnosis just to get your child “drugged up”? Retired Harvard psychologist, Dr. Jerome Kagan states ADHD is an invention – a made up invention for every child in school who isn’t doing well. Send him to see his physician and the physician prescribes Ritalin. Kagan stated, “In fact, 90 percent of these kids don’t have an abnormal dopamine metabolism. The problem is, if a drug is available to doctors, they’ll make the corresponding diagnosis.”
Even child psychiatry researcher Leon Eisenberg who is identified as the “inventor” and “founding father” of AHA/ADD stated in an interview with Der Spiegel seven months before his death in 2009, “ADHD is a prime example of a fictitious disease.”
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