Saturday, 30 June 2007


Question #6: Why does Thimerosal (mercury) continue to be placed in most mandated vaccines for children? This substance has been scientifically linked to many of the learning disabilities that children are drugged for today! As a matter of fact, these learning disabilities were quite rare until thimerosal produced heavy metal poisoning in children whose bodies, for one valid reason or another, were unable to excrete these heavy metals as rapidly as they should. If this is not true, then why does the CDC have a whole department set up that deals solely with adverse reactions to these mandated shots and their resulting disorders. Why do you think that is? Help me out here. Isn't there a safer alternative? Then why not use it and quit harming our children? But then, alas, the doctors injecting our kids wouldn't get their kickback from the big pharmaceutical companies making the vaccines! Who cares about kids when there's money to be made?

Thursday, 28 June 2007

Pledge of ALLEGIANCE to What?

Question #5: Could the president's New Freedom Initiative, which includes a "mental screening" for all children in school(pre-k to 12th grade) with administration of illness-specific medication, be an intentional ploy to label children for life and thus keep our economic status powerful - especially the prescription drug industry? Are we teaching children to be chronic drug users by making prescribed Schedule II narcotics so readily available even on school campuses? This almost sounds like social engineering. Could it be? In America, the land of the free! Maybe it's Pledge of Allegiance to Who?

Wednesday, 27 June 2007

The Washington Deception

Question #4: Could it be that all the window dressing is a facade for keeping your children dumbed down? If so, the government can keep a steady supply of drop-outs, drugged and slow kids, usually labeled as resource, learning disabled, bi-polar, ADD, ADHD, autistic, etc to populate corporate America as burger flippers, Wal-Mart clerks and stock-boys, oil-field workers, cable-layers, factory workers, and garbage collectors. After all, blue collar workers are the ones that make corporate America run and keep us #1!

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

How Is This Possible?

Question #3: Could it be, that all the promises of our federal and state governments to "leave no child behind" are simply window dressing designed to make unsuspecting parents and other special interest groups think they are really trying to put our children back on the road to success? Think long and hard about it. New "patches" each year from supposedly intelligent leaders, yet a steady decline and very little rebound each year. How is this possible in such an upwardly mobile, elite, and civilized society like America.

Monday, 25 June 2007

Education Taxes - Who are they For?

How well are YOUR TAX dollars being spent? Some Care. Some see no use in caring - you can't fight the system. They just accept whatever the government says, or doesn't say, which is usually the case. QUESTION #2: Don't you find it odd that with all of the publicized, researched, and highly acclaimed "fixes" for poor school performance in the U.S., that the ship is still sinking? Economically the U.S. is number one in the world, while Math, Science, Language and Literacy rates are way down the list when compared to other countries!

Self Education. The End to Failure, Labels, and Boredom!

Sunday, 24 June 2007

Remedial College Freshmen ?

Question #1: Don't you find it odd that with all of the informational, innovative, and technological advances in this country, since the industrial revolution, that the literacy rate is now lower than it was in pre-industrial days? What could possibly be the explanation for such digression? I smell conspiracy!