Thursday, 17 April 2008

Dumb, Dumber, and Dumbest

In the public education arena which of these title awards do we as taxpayers claim? I believe the "Dumbest" award goes to our legislators who listen and believe the new psychologist-educators. You know, the "experts"! To hear the foundless junk that these experts spew forth in the halls of congress borders on comical. Yet, the half-listening senators and the never researching-for-themselves representatives put their stamp of approval on nearly every new fad school proposal - unless, of course, they have Christian or moral connotations! And now with homeschooling on the line in California we may have to put our innocent, clean-minded, young in the middle of the sex-pit of public schools.

By the way, "expert" indicates skill which indicates evidence of good outcomes. Usually experts have something to show for their title. But public schools with all of their annual new teaching strategies continue to produce bad outcomes and poor percentages.

Public schools are daily scenes of mental and physical child abuse legalized by our state legislatures as well as No Child Left Behind. Learning is NOT the objective in public school anymore. "SOMEONE doesn't want children to really learn. After all, if they did, who would keep the fast food chains going and the department store chains going. Who would stock the grocery shelves? What happens to these imprisoned kids leaves U. S. Constitutional rights in the dust. Why have an instrument of justice and fairness (our Constitution) if we ignore it and, worse yet, make policy in opposition to it?

Oh, and the "Dumber" award goes to the brain-washed educators that bend every value they have ever held, just to stay in the "system"! Teachers who succumb to the pressure to lie and deceive along with their superiors are just as guilty as those who are applying the pressure. It is only the kids who are being cheated in the end. The just plain "Dumb" award falls directly on the taxpayers for putting up with the DECEPTION and the LIES!