Your parental rights are steadily and methodically being stripped from you without your knowledge. Being informed is the best way to protect your own children and to help keep your relatives and friends in the know as well. What is all the fuss about? Well, the ACLU - The American Civil Liberties Union and its many allies are determined to force all students to undergo indoctrination in homosexual behavior - with or without parental permission. The Alliance Defense Fund is standing up to them - and winning! If you have your children in Public School they are being bombarded - as young as kindergarten - with information, plays, talks, rallies, and assemblies that encourage them to embrace homosexual behavior! The ACLU and a growing number of public school officials across the country (yes, your town too), bolstered by powerful allies like the National Education Association - NEA and the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network - GLSEN use deceptive practices to force children to look favorably on the gay lifestyle. They use terms for their programs such as anti-discrimination and tolerance to actually promote their agenda. The teacher’s union, NEA, actually financially supports a number of groups that advocate homosexual behavior and further lobbies for laws in line with the concentrated assault on the morals of children. Here are just a few examples:
1. GLSEN video entitled It’s Elementary, which trains elementary school teachers to advance the homosexual agenda.
2. “Family life education” and “respecting differences” workshops, many of which encourage children to participate in role-play depicting same-sex families.
3. A California law that requires that homo-sexual behavior be presented to K-12 students as a choice just as legitimate and even desirable as heterosexual behavior.
The list goes on to include textbooks being re-written, boys becoming homecoming queen and girls becoming homecoming king if they so choose, eliminating a school’s ability to make any distinctions based on biological sex - including bathrooms and locker rooms.
Stay informed, for your children’s sake, as this insidious indoctrination continues to saturate public school systems in ever increasing degrees. More on those fighting this invasion next time.
Statistical information adapted from material of Alliance Defense Fund Copyright 2008