Tuesday, 23 June 2009

New Book Coming Soon

I am putting the final finishing touches on a new book entitled THE PLAN: WIPE OUT CHRISTIANITY IN AMERICA! It gives you a virtual tour of the slide downward of morality in this country and the reasons why. It warns of the biggest deception in history that many have already succumbed to. This book will give practical advice on avoiding this looming crisis and ways to pursue a kind of individual happiness that you may never have experienced. Final touches should be done this week and then it is off to the publisher's copyediting department. If all goes well we should be published in about 4 months. It is a short book, an easy read and contains an important message for every age.

Work will soon start on the next book which will deal with the education crisis in our country and the coming collapse of the system, barring any bailouts by the federal government. Education, as we know it today, is on its way to extinction.