Sunday, 28 February 2010

Womb of the Left

Yes, we are in for many more years of the current chaotic and corrupt conditions in D.C. And why? Who do we have to thank? You guessed it - the corrupt American public school system. It is the new socialistic womb wherein all the little followers are trained to a "T"! The recent and current graduating classes have all been birthed and well trained in socialism in their public schools. And yes, they will vote those into office that most closely resemble their training. Just like circus animals, the college students and recent grads will lumber to the polls and vote their professor's and teacher's ideology.

In addition, they have been taught that,at all cost,religion and politics must be separated. But this is an impossibility because politics was birthed from religion! That genetic line will never be broken. Conservative views and values more closely conform to her birth mother(religion). Liberalism, on the other hand, flies in the face, like a rebellious child, of her religious beginnings.
Though the genetic line cannot be broken it has been weakened through mixture and blurring of absolutes until now we say, "Oh, it's okay for gays to get married. Sure, let's put tax cheats, tranvestites, and sex perverts in charge of our government.It's okay! And, by all means, let's keep killing babies!"

We have so perverted the truth that we are bouncing down the street on our hardened heads with our weak, quivering, knees and legs flailing in the air! We have hardened our hearts to the truth and God has darkened our understanding. Why? because of our lust and greed for more, more, and more of anything to satisfy our desire for power, self-pleasure, and control. When will it end? Who will end it? The God that men believe isn't really there?