Thursday, 19 August 2010


What are your children learning in their current school? Are they learning the true history of America? Are they learning the true sciences and the intricate Divine design of the cell? How about math? Do you even know what your children are learning? If you don't know then perhaps if would be a wise idea(?) for you to do some investigation. Because of the 50% of students in this country who actually do graduate, 95% are brainwashed, socialist-thinking, illegal-immigrant-loving, gay-leaning, pot-loving, abortion-loving, sexually active, infantile, children! They are certainly not prepared for the real world that lies in front of them. Most have their hands stuck out in front of them looking for any government hand-out they can find. Hard working? Not!

Many of the other 50%, who don't even graduate, are shuffled off into trade schools. They may go a year but never graduate. The rest go directly into the workforce where they are needed most. This is all fine and good with our government because someone has to man the grease pits and the car washes of the Washington elites!

My doctor said that he just doesn't understand the ignorance of Americans in electing a socialist, 'illegal' immigrant loving, muslim president. I told him the same thing I just told you. The brainwashed graduates of public schools, the government check-drawers, those standing outside voting precints with night sticks are the reason we have such a spendthrift president!

If we don't wake up, and stand up for God and His values and virtues, then our own public school system along with perverted sex and abortion will take this country straight into mass slavery that will make black slavery look like a picnic!