Thursday, 23 December 2010


Viewers of television, viewers of movies are pawns in the hands of a seditious enemy. Viewers can be called upon at anytime to do enemy bidding. The viewer's imagination has been taken captive and sludged into hypnosis. The only thing that causes the viewer to move is bodily functions, i.e. hunger pangs or trips to the bathroom.

These addicts of television, movies, internet, and techno-toys have their learning curves flattened, their worldview is narrowed, and their vocabulary is mere happy-talk,movie-talk,tv-speak and foul language.

"Well", the enraged viewer says, "what does God want me to do to fill my boredom?"
Try using your faculties to produce and use your bodies for delivery! Be always expanding your mind. If you're still in high school that will be more difficult, but, even you, must rescue your own mind from the mind-numbing, brainwashing socialism and dumbing down you are learning in school! You will have to find ways to expand your mind, to grow your brain power. If you follow the world and do the same things as everyone else, you are on the road that leads down.

Discover your purpose! Search deeply and thoroughly for it. Learn voraciously. Eagerly develop meaningful talents. Discover the difference between meaningful and meaningless; purposeful and pointless; productive and useless or wasteful. You CAN'T make these discoveries watching the latest 'chick flick'! Learn how to make a difference in your environment, in your circle of influence. Expand your heart. Forage out your full potential. God did not place you on earth to be bored or to twitter away time. He rewards productive, fruitbearing efforts. The higher road is a demanding road, but is also joyful and fulfilling.

Measure your success by how much of your time is spent producing, helping, learning, and expanding, measured against how much time you waste in trivia, the unimportant, meaningless, clueless activities of our modern stroke me society. Ask yourself, "Am I following or am I leading?" Television can be useful if it is not used for solace, killing, chillin, and wiling away time. It can be a tool for knowledge, information, witnessing, as can the internet, another major time consumer. But you must judge these things in what they produce and draw out of you. Using them for self-pleasure, killing time, a date-finder, or some kind of crutch is never useful. Nor is it pleasing to God.

Now, if you don't care about God or His purposes for your life then go ahead and lounge away all your free time. If you do care what God wants for you then STOP wasting His time! There is too much beauty and knowledge in the world and so many that need your help for you to be sitting like a staring clown in front of a TV, movie,computer, or game screen for hours filling your head with hours of mental junk! You might try asking yourself whenever you feel like 'vegging out', "How could I better use this time?" If you're tired, go to sleep. Even that is better than pouring the sewer into your brain. When Jesus said, "Take heed, watch and what I say to you all: WATCH, He wasn't talking about watching TV! He meant watch out so you won't be deceived into thinking you have a right to vegg and bath in the sewer of most TV programming and many other pitfalls!

And only two more passages from God's Holy Word-just 2 out of a million-would indicate that God wants us to devote our time to His service, not our own emotional needs. ICor.15:58 " steadfast, immovable, ALWAYS abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain." And ICor 16:13,14 "Be watchful, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong. Let ALL that you do be done in love." (Words all in caps added for emphasis) God wants us to be mature in our thinking, not like children. He wants us to have nothing to do with evil except to conquer it. If we keep dipping our minds in sinful, lustful, violent scenes, evil will conquer us!

We shouldn't be deceived into thinking that we can watch sin and it will have no effect on us. Bad company ruins good character and that includes worldly company thru movie/television/computer/game screens. God tells us to wake up, come to, come back to reality. He says that some of you have no knowledge of God. He says this to our shame. What does God want from YOU? What is His purpose for you in this life? If you can't answer these two questions then you have no time to be watching movies with their subliminal messages and pointless propaganda.


Monday, 13 December 2010


America's latest strain of mental illness - xboxed brains! The American Teenage revolution is in full swing headed up by kids who can no longer do anything but print and misspell words, stare at xbox competitive violence, and take remedial, triple zero courses in college.

Thanks to dim-witted parents that refuse to ruffle little Joey's feathers for fear of initiating another tantrum, we have the current batch of unproductive teenagers, only 50% will graduate from government brain control (excuse me, I meant high school)!

If we don't soon remove the techno-toys, if we don't put a stop to the total self-centered, egotistical self-worship of todays teens by standing up and being real men and women of God, if we don't start saying "NO" pretty soon, if we don't start beatin' some butt(described in the same Book where our country got its laws) then we can kiss our American future good-bye! If we keep schmoozing, we'll keep losing our kids.