Wednesday, 14 December 2011


Why do kids sit in classrooms day after day in the gear of 'useless'? Where are their minds? What are they thinking? Most important of all,WHY are they sitting there so bored in a seeming semi-conscious state or bouncing,tapping,shaking in their seats? Where does their sense of entitlement come from? They appear no different than crack-heads coming out of a stupor and the popular phrase "stuck on stupid" is an apt description!

Are teens learning this behavior at home? Or has it just evolved over the years as part of our country's precipitous moral decline? We, as a nation, are not just falling, we have already fallen and we can't seem to get up. I personally don't know but 2 or 3 young people that I would even think could run for mayor of a city much less a national office! That is scary - especially when I think of the lives of my grandchilden. But I do know the answer (albeit controversial) to all of this craziess.

The reason for all of this malaise in teenagers and young adults is their source of food. Where are they grazing? Where are they feeding?#1. They continuously feed on methane gas produced by the ingredients in diet drinks. The eat and drink literally buckets of sugar each week, very few vegetables, and steroids, hormones,antibiotics,
and chemicals that permeate meats, processed foods, and fast food fare! So, to start off with, they are physically unhealthy - I don't care how many times a week they run or workout, the common teenage American diet stinks. #2. They are emaciated and skeletal, freakishly so, in their spiritual gleanings. Their meager fare, if any, is a simple verse or two and a "help me" prayer or two. And forget church, its too boring, in their opinion, to even bother listening to. So they are also spiritually malnourished.

Ah, their beautiful, intelligent minds! Really? What do they feed on but the slop of worldly indifference and their parents can't really define or explain what worldly indifference even means. Teens and adults feed hourly at the slop trough of movies, music, and media (through T.V., I-pods, I-phones, Androids, X-boxes, Wii's, PS's, DS's and DA's) Three strikes and you're OUT! Add to all of this poor nutrition for body, soul, and spirit, the fact of dumber than dirt education in most school systems, public and private, nationwide, and you have the makings of a catastrophe! Hence the rapid decline and near extinction of a nation.

Now, who do I complain to with this disturbing, controversial reason for our plight? A corrupt government? The local police? Why I can't even complain to the parents of these media crack-like-heads! Why? Because they are setting the example. They are pulled up and elbow deep at the same slop trough as their kids, eating away like there is no tomorrow. And there just might be a "no tomorrow" scenario sooner than we all think.

Now these are just generalizations and I don't mean to imply that every kid falls into this 3 generation-old mold, but the implications are MASSIVE and the delusional are multitudinous. How can so many be so clueless as to the deception they are swallowing? We have been blinded, hardened and smooth-talked for so long that we just accept as normal all of this mayhem.And it's not really so 'long'. America is only 236 years old! We just want to be left alone, be our own authority, and live our own lives as best we can.Selfish lot that we are, we don't even consider that moral decay and disrespect will just keep on spiralling downward, picking up speed thus making life unbearable for our children's children and their children. But we are more concerned with life now aren't we?

Do you have any examples (historical or present)of life getting better, of morality and decency improving over time? No, we don't even think of things like that because we are so wrapped up in nursing our own desires, always panting after more. Look around and compare. We are as far as dark is from light in living the way our Creator instructed us to live. Our whole lifestyle is a joke when held up to the light of Scripture! We are worse than the Egyptians, Assyrians and Babylonians in idol worship! They sacrificed their children to their man-made gods - we sacrifice our children to the god of self-interest! No matter - because we don't have the sense to raise children anymore and train them in right ways of living - we don't even know the right ways. They are all melded together with worldly ways and we can't tell them apart because we have accepted dung in place of gold!

We have been hood-winked, lulled and numbed into believing this lifestyle is A-OKAY! We adapt! We jump through hoops to 'conform', be accepted, to climb that social ladder! We inhale it! We love the chase! It's titillating, intoxicating - devil be damned! Our biggest hero is our football teams! Isn't that what Sundays, wait, Saturdays,wait, Fridays,oh,and Mondays are for?

We have evolved into something very sad. I return full-circle to my description in the first paragraph -scroll back up and read it again - staggering numbers of dysfunctional children in dysfunctional families, all thinking they are ENTITLED to anything they want. It is now, at this stage, an inbred attitude that is constantly renewed at the places they feed in the most - MUSIC, MOVIES, and MEDIA! They lust after and desire to feast upon the slop that pours forth, fountains of filth. They are addicted to the slop that is destroying their lives and their future. Movies, Music, and Media - a much larger and fiercer enemy than drugs or Taliban or terrorists. America is destroying herself!