Friday, 21 September 2012


"The real purpose of education is to enhance the capacity for Americans to cope with global interdependence... it is to give up the dream of the little white house on its own quarter-acre of land in suburbia and the permanent loss of personal mobility at will, through enforced dependence on public transportation." Aspen Institute Educational Policy Paper - 1975 The above quotation from a 1975 educational policy paper from the Aspen Institute, an educational and policy organization based in Washington D.C., should not just give you pause, it should scare the mess out of you. Not only is this organization forming educational policy for our nation, it’s allowing for the brainwashing of our children through the public school system. This infiltration is not just from within our country through progressive thought however, it’s from without, from the United Nations, which has been involved in shaping educational standards, policy, and textbooks in this country since the 1970s. There are over 3 million teachers in America today, and over 1.2 million of them are conservative, limited government educators who are striving to work from within a system that is hostile not only to the ideals enshrined in the founding documents of our country, but hostile to our republic itself. They are trying to stem the tide of progressivism that is threatening to engulf our students, that is teaching them a history and world-view that denigrates and blasphemes who and what we are as Americans, and the ideals and belief system that we’ve carried with us through the last two and a half centuries. Our children need us more than ever, and our nation needs us to step up to the plate. If we can’t be bothered to stand up for our values as individuals and as a nation, then we shouldn’t be surprised when those values and beliefs are done away with. Our children and our country - aren’t they still worth fighting for? Off The Grid Newsletter 9/21/12

Monday, 17 September 2012

The Greatest HOAX

The greatest hoax ever played on the American people is not president number 44! It is the slow poison of modernity, dispensed to every American through TV and movies. It has shaped our lives and our attitudes so completely in the last 75 years that we can't even imagine living without it. Yet, it gives us small, incremental, steady, doses of all the "isms", such as relativism, hedonism, consumerism, etc. So if the Muslims are winning, buying up large portions of America, building Mosques and businesses and taking over American franchises, this is why. We are too busy drinking in our fun and filth to pay any attention. They are loyal to their faith enough not to listen or watch the perverted comedy and parade of sex that pours through our airwaves today. But we love it and we have been conditioned to accept just about anything. And now we are trapped in a slowly closing noose of our own making. We suck down show after show; movie after movie, and like little newborn birds, waiting for mama to fly in and feed us, we clamor and scream for more! Only the "more" we get is poison, artfully administered. Just one of hundreds of examples - when we will excitedly dress for football and proms, in all the paraphernalia for the games, and skimpy, revealing dresses for homecoming and proms, but we won't dress modestly everyday for Jesus - we, as a Christian society, are losing.