Friday, 28 December 2007


In the 1980's and 1990's there was a couple named David and Micki Colfax. They were both teachers and they decided to get out of the public school system and teach their own 4 children at home on their ranch. In their book, Homeschooling For Excellence, they reveal some startling information about public school. They wrote,
"The numbers are straightforward and irrefutable. The child who attends public school typically spends approximately 1100 hours a year there, but only twenty percent of these-220-are spent, as the educators say, 'on task'. Nearly 900 hours, or eighty percent, are squandered on what are essentially organizational matters."
Now transfer these figures into the early 2000's. Factor in the chaotic noise and disrespect aspects of today's classrooms. Factor in all the confusing messages of the 'new' curriculum. Here are the even more horrifying results. The child who attends public school today spends approximately 1260 hours a year there, but only about fourteen percent of these-180-are spent in concentrated learning efforts. That leaves a shocking one thousand and eighty hours, or 86 percent of their time essentially wasted.
Parents, do these figures shock you? Are you scratching your head and saying, "That's not happening in my child's school."? Well, if your child's school receives federal and state money to operate as a public school - then it IS going on in your child's school! What can you do? How can you find out? Are you willing to take a chance, just trust the government bureaucrats, and let a real education just slip out of reach for your child? Are you willing to let school nurses tell you that your child has a learning problem and place them on drugs for the rest of their school life? Stay tuned for answers on what you can do to give your child a better future! By the way three of David and Micki's children attended Harvard University!

Wednesday, 26 December 2007


Parent help is in the works right now! It is fine to reveal all of the deception in our Public School System, but once known what can parents do? We will be doing a series on things that bold, out-spoken parents can do and also things that humble, soft-spoken parents can do to rescue their children from government brain-washing. Remember, we as parents have to be debriefed too. Most of us were raised attending 12 years of public school. It's hard to think that our own government is part of the problem when they keep saying that they are trying to fix the giant broken system of forced government schooling. If you are a Christian parent the urgency is much greater. If you are not a Christian parent your children are still being short-changed and filled with diluted information. The competition is growing against Public School shenanigans and soon they will have to listen to the massive number of dissatisfied parents and students. Take heart, research, and find the answers you need to help your children. Don't settle for last best.

Sunday, 23 December 2007


Keep GOD OUT of school you say

And OUT of the public way

We live in a modern world you say

School kids don't need to pray.

You just teach them that it's okay

To be bi-sexual, tri, or gay

And don't forget condoms you say

So that it's safe for school kids to play.

Don't take drugs you tell kids today

And then you prescribe them

So the kids will behave.

I SAY if you take GOD AWAY

If you won't let us PRAY

Then there's NOTHING (0) LEFT


Please remove yourself or your kids from public school before its too late. Soon we will only see dissatisfied, restless, renegades - slaves to their own passions - living in a world that they've been told has no moral absolutes!
This was not the intent of the Government when they changed school curriculum. They just wanted to control kid's minds so they would work to elevate our global authority and economy. But, in taking GOD AWAY, this is what they have produced - a place where no one is safe anymore, including the teachers!

Sunday, 16 December 2007

SUNDAY, Breath of Fresh Air

When I gaze upon coral and purple skies
Behind which my Father lies
My breath becomes deep and slow
And in my heart I know
God is looking back at me
Through color and beauty for all to see!

Monday, 3 December 2007


DID YOU KNOW that, according to the Alliance for the Separation of School and State, The number of HOME SCHOOLED children in the United States is equivalent to all public schooled children in the following 13 states (and Washington, D.C.) COMBINED:

Alaska, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia, Wyoming, and Washington, D.C. ?

So we are not such a small, insignificant group. We are just tired of our children getting the shaft! We are tired of teachers prescribing instead of teaching! We are tired of the deception! Public, forced, institutionalized schooling has become more of a prison full of drama and noise than a haven for decent, academic education.

Get the elephant off of your back. Get free and get a real, new/old-fashioned education!