In the 1980's and 1990's there was a couple named David and Micki Colfax. They were both teachers and they decided to get out of the public school system and teach their own 4 children at home on their ranch. In their book, Homeschooling For Excellence, they reveal some startling information about public school. They wrote,
"The numbers are straightforward and irrefutable. The child who attends public school typically spends approximately 1100 hours a year there, but only twenty percent of these-220-are spent, as the educators say, 'on task'. Nearly 900 hours, or eighty percent, are squandered on what are essentially organizational matters."
Now transfer these figures into the early 2000's. Factor in the chaotic noise and disrespect aspects of today's classrooms. Factor in all the confusing messages of the 'new' curriculum. Here are the even more horrifying results. The child who attends public school today spends approximately 1260 hours a year there, but only about fourteen percent of these-180-are spent in concentrated learning efforts. That leaves a shocking one thousand and eighty hours, or 86 percent of their time essentially wasted.
Parents, do these figures shock you? Are you scratching your head and saying, "That's not happening in my child's school."? Well, if your child's school receives federal and state money to operate as a public school - then it IS going on in your child's school! What can you do? How can you find out? Are you willing to take a chance, just trust the government bureaucrats, and let a real education just slip out of reach for your child? Are you willing to let school nurses tell you that your child has a learning problem and place them on drugs for the rest of their school life? Stay tuned for answers on what you can do to give your child a better future! By the way three of David and Micki's children attended Harvard University!