Saturday, 1 March 2008

Public School - THE NEW PSYCH WARD

Keeping a child in public school in the 21st century is like throwing an innocent baby into a lake and watching it drown. Parents should be just as appalled at the deplorable conditions in our public schools. We pay for the schools, the teachers, and all their paraphernalia and yet the schools continue to turn out poor readers with little, if any, math skills. Why do parents continue to watch their children drown in a sea of labels, political agendas, poor skills, and IEPs.

By the way, IEP is supposed to stand for Individualized Education Program. What it really is, is Ignorant Educational Principles. In other words, a load of propaganda designed to fool parents into thinking that their children are really being given help. The truth is the only benefits of IEPs are the coffers of the local school board. Let me simplify if for you. The more IEPs that are written - the more government money comes to the school! All the IEP does for the child is tell him/her that he/she no longer has to work hard to earn a passing grade. It will be given freely after the student has been held in each grade for two years(which is about as much as they can get away with). The longer they stay in each grade, the more 'green' the school gets. It's big business as usual at the expense of parent and child.

The terminology that you hear bandied about in schools today are the same words that you hear in psych wards. The new term for public schools should be public hospitals because all it takes to write a prescription, oh, I mean IEP, is a special ed. teaching certificate! Parents! Something is catastrophically wrong when you have high school honors students who can't even pass a 4th grade math test!(yet they are on the honor roll in high school?)

Something is drastically wrong when you graduate third in your high school class and you can't score high enough on college entrance exams to even get in! Until enough parents stand up and refuse to let their children be used and abused any longer the ruse will continue. The legal child abuse (criminal, in my opinion) will go on because it is no longer about the kids. In the eyes of the government (local, state, and federal) it's all about the MONEY! Each child is just another dollar sign. The more labels they can place on each child's forehead (LD, BED, ADD, ADHD, OCD, LEP, AD, ETC.) the more money they get, the more useless jobs are created.

Trust me, your child would be better off sitting on a dock fishing all day than be in a public school. At least then he/she would know how to count.