Tuesday, 26 January 2010


I really feel sorry for public school teachers, at least the good ones, and all the students (K-12). Public schools (the system) have been wrong so many times that it is useless to listen to all their "new" research statistics. They discover a new and exciting study every year. They even discover a new "fix" every year! It is just annual drivel, as the students ability and performance just keep stagnating,at best,or going down, at worst. Oh, the administration has excuses for continued poor performance, but have you noticed how they always blame somebody or something else.

They NEVER take responsibility for their own failures and misjudgments. They are always getting "bailed out". They know, according to the government of which they are a part, that they are just "too big to fail"! So the albatross just keeps lumbering along destroying young lives, the schools just keep getting worse, and U.S. students keep creeping down in international performance. How sad for the little ones. Oh, well, maybe our students can win at Wii or Halo or Madden against the Taliban!