Saturday, 24 April 2010


Our Obama is growling and crying "Foul"! He and his cohorts can't believe that anyone would dare to stand against such wisdom as theirs. But great minds are finally coming together to say, "You are killing our country with your inflated egos and your bloated spending! AND you are failing to protect our country from illegal aliens just like President Bush did!" People like Dr. Alveda King, Priests for Life, Glenn Beck, Jon Voight, Governor Jan Brewer, Ted Nugent, the Tea Parties, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckaby, Sarah Palin, and the list goes on and on and is growing by the minute!

But Beware! The lake has turned over and the sludge is on the top! This power pump of the left has been planned since the early 1900's and they will not give up without a war. They will even purposely bankrupt the country before they give it up! There is evil lurking and the more they are pressured by groups like the Tea Parties, you can bet that if violence isn't present the 'powers that be' will implant it maliciously! There are also thousands of black people who voted for Obama who now realize that they made a mistake and they are speaking out to rectify that mistake!

Now, how could Dr. Martin Luther King's niece be so outspoken against her own leader, Obama, especially since he is a member of her race? The simple answer is that God is not being honored in this country anymore. Obama has made that abundantly clear and for those of us who honor our maker that fact is more important than any other. Obama is for and has already signed legislation that promotes the murder of infants! And notice that he hasn't done anything to improve education! Why? Because the schools are doing just what he wants them to do -- keep turning out little brainwashed voters to support his plans to socialize America and diminish our rights.

After 20 years in private education I have NEVER tested a student that came from a public school that wasn't from two to four years behind their grade level! And nothing changes! Taxes go up, the cost of food and white goods go up, minimum wages go up, but never the education level of American students! That keeps going DOWN whether compared with private school students or internationally! Wake up America and get your head out of your infatuation with 'the first black president'! Look what is really going on around you. Check your grocery bill, those of you that think you are not paying higher taxes because you make under 250,000! You are paying higher food prices and many other prices like gas and utilities - what's the difference? Study history, educate yourself, quit being fooled by the continuous stream of propaganda pouring out of D.C. And most important - GET YOUR KIDS OUT OF PUBLIC SCHOOL BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!

If you can't afford private school then homeschool them or let them self-educate through the internet for free! If you love God and Country you will see that all your kids are getting in public school is 'street smarts', 'pill smarts', 'sex smarts'(all flavors), and atheist smarts! Social first - Academic last and weak!