It really doesn't matter which one you choose any more. We now live in a world of chaotic counter-productivity. Public and Parochial schools, or any school that receives money from federal, state or local funds, are the major bases of academic learning among Americans. So the obvious conclusion, given these set of facts, is that schools facilitate the move toward nationwide chaotic counter-productivity. At the very least, you would have to concede that this is a possibility.
The huge bureaucracy of our school systems can be likened to a huge glacier. You cannot change the direction of a glacier. It sinks, drowns and smothers things in its path. How sad that it is our children that are being sunk, drowned and smothered by this failing paradigm.
Not much academic learning takes place within the cells of education anymore. Young people falling into various vats of street-smart learning is commonplace though. It is about the only 'English' that is really taught anymore. School is more an experience in sociology and class warfare.
Within the walls, halls and locker rooms, children are exploited, threatened, bribed, bullied, cursed, harassed and teased. They face physical punches, pencil stabbings, cutting, drug intimidation and the bathrooms are like teenage wastelands. Children are immersed in pools of filthy language and porn-speak, not only from peers but teachers as well.
Parents bring me their academically damaged children all the time and one of their first concerns is: "Can you get my child caught up enough to go to high school and graduate on time? I don't want him/her to miss out on the social aspects and playing sports if he/she wants to."
The answer is, sadly; they probably already are at the level of academic understanding in today's high-schools (Public and Catholic). As for graduating on time, you cannot repair in one year what took many years of undisciplined non-learning to accumulate. I sometimes respond also, on my more cynical days, "Why don't you just find a gang for him/her to join? That is another thing that they will have to confront face-to-face in public high schools. OR, Why would you want to put your child back in an incompetent school system that is the source of his/her academic deficiencies?" If athletics and proms are your highest goals for your child, no disrespect intended, then, by all means, throw them back to the wolves in sheeps clothing.
Parents must, at some point, face the reality that education in America is broken beyond repair in its present form. It is antiquated, old-fashioned and ready for permanent retirement. Parents have become enslaved by the insidious and repetitious, false messages of school administrations and the secular world. They really believe that if 'Bobby' is making 'A's' and 'B's', he is smart. Parents suck this stuff up at truth from a system that can no longer be trusted. An 'A' is an 'A' measured against what? And how many answers were they given on their tests so that the teacher's record will be higher or so that the school can get more funding? It is time to wake up and stand up for our children.