Calling for complete end to compulsory education. Public school is so bad it should not even be an ELECTIVE!
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
Purposeful Blindness!
Lakewood uses a curriculum that is fully accredited by two different accrediting agencies. In order to get the full benefit of homeschooling, you must understand the philosophy undergirding it and be 100% behind that philosophy. First, Lakewood is not a stop-gap measure. It is not a place to bring your children for a couple of years in order to by-pass a school that you don’t like. Second, Lakewood is not a remedial school. We have a college-prep, highly aggressive, academic program.
To be up front, after pre-entrance testing hundreds of local students; ALL students from public schools, private schools and Catholic schools test behind their current grade level. This is because the American academic system of herd learning is broken, and it has been broken for many years. We get eighth graders testing at fourth grade level and seniors testing at seventh and eighth grade levels and some even lower. Yet, in their previous school they were on the honor role. Many high school students already have multiple math credits, but can’t do simple, every day math. When those who are on honor rolls get to college, their parents are shocked to find out that they will have to take remedial courses the first year. You can thank the federal department of education, social brainwashing and entitlement mentality for that. Many who graduate at the top of their class have to have tutors to make it through the first year of college. That is a fact. But parents still put up with this; perhaps hanging on to archaic ideals of “high school experiences.” High school experiences today are street-smart experiences and dodging the bad guys. If that is what you want for your children, please seek it – it’s FREE.
Research on local schools, shows that many students pass both math and English by getting extra points. Do they earn those extra points by doing extra academic work? No! They earn them by bringing things to the teacher and doing favors for him or her. This is documented. They even give the good student’s extra points away, since they are already passing the course, to those who won’t pass without them. It makes the teachers record look better to have more passing students.
These kinds of things go on every day. But parents see only the good grades on the report card. Here is what I see; kids that can’t divide, can’t multiply without a calculator, can’t do fractions, can’t measure, can’t write, can’t spell, can’t punctuate and who don’t know what words mean that are longer than 5 letters. Yet, they’re making A’s and B’s in their school culture!
Here’s what’s different at Lakewood:
1. A tough curriculum that actually improves annual test and college entrance scores.
2. A non-chaotic environment with pin-drop quiet classrooms.
3. A drug free, curse free, drama free atmosphere.
4. The possibility of graduating early and starting college early in non-remedial classes.
5. Credits for subjects and extra-curricular activities that are not offered anywhere else.
This is education with a purpose – Academic excellence. If you are more concerned with experiences such as proms, sports, dances, fund-raisers, and fun, then please don’t waste our time by inquiring here. You must educate yourself about advantages of the homeschool environment and you must believe in them and desire them for your child in order to benefit. Homeschool is purpose driven, protective, nourishing, and proven academically sound. It is for students and parents, intent on gaining something valuable and useful for life, rather than for those worrying about their children ‘missing’ something.