Thursday, 14 May 2015

Home School Graduate.

Two of my home school graduates called me today with their semester grades. One in her third semester Nursing Program has a 3.98 GPA, the other has a 3.3 her first year in Grad school. Then I see this from a friend on Facebook: "OK Folks I am chuckling today at a thought. Tomorrow I get to watch my poor deprived home educated son graduate with honors from our local junior college. How odd, I mean let's face it, he was taught at home by a high school drop out of a mother who worked full time nights. Oh and he has already received one offer of a scholarship to another college to continue on to his BA and says its not a school he is really interested in at this time so he will wait and see." Multiply these stories by about a million and you see the value of Home Schooling, where students actually learn academics rather than "social" interaction, sports and parties! Congrats to these and the rest of the deprived ones, all those poor, socially inept home school grads!lol