Calling for complete end to compulsory education. Public school is so bad it should not even be an ELECTIVE!
Wednesday, 25 July 2007
Behind closed doors! We allow our children to ride the bus to school with a complete stranger. Do you know what he/she does at night? Then behind closed doors at school another complete stranger begins the teaching (testing) process. Do you know what he/she does at night? This is what is really going on in classrooms around the country: Students being told to watch the hall for the principal so the teacher can make calls on the cell phone - teachers on the internet watching Mr. and Mrs. Santa making love with the large screen in full view of the students (4th grade) - teachers bragging about their sexual escapades and bar hopping stops the previous weekend to the students - teachers text messaging (who knows who) - teachers asking good students to give up their earned extra points (earned by turning extra work) to bad students so everyone can pass the course - teachers playing computer games while students copy board work (great critical thinking skill for the students)! Insolence, filth, demeaning, belittling, badgering, and desrespect (not just from the students but from the teachers) fill local public schools on a daily basis. Parents wake up! If Johnny is acting bad it isn't because he has a "made-up" disorder (i.e. ADHD), it's because he's being treated bad in what is supposed to be a safe-haven, Public School! We pay a lot of tax dollars to send our kids to school to be verbally abused if they sit crooked in their chair. Yet we keep sending Johnny back into a den of intellectual thieves and wolves -- those teachers and administrators whose job it is to dumb down anyone they can! Please, reply teachers, and tell me what percentage of teachers in your school really, truthfully, CARE about the children they teach!