Saturday, 7 July 2007


Why are we continuously fighting this albatros of Public Education? Who decided what school should be like? Who decided just what subjects should be learned? This is a language all its own. It is called feeding off of the government! We frown and say, " I want my fair share" ! Why don't we go back to parents doing what they are supposed to do - teach their own children? Who said college-degreed personnel are the only qualified teachers? Who said kids have to learn in the daytime while mom is at work? Who made Public School the world's largest babysitting service? The answer? Shrinks! All must have been devised on the psychiatrist's couch! Want to find the answers to problems with your local public schools? You need only look as far as your state and federal departments of education. They don't think about the real welfare of your children - they only sniff out how much more money they can get and how many more pencil pushing jobs they can manufacture out of your tax dollars! SAD is a correct description. Just check it out!Technorati Profile

Self Education. The End to Failure, Labels, and Boredom!