Friday, 31 August 2007


I observed a 6 year old boy all summer long for 6 to 8 hours a day. He was a perfectly normal child who exhibited normal behavior patterns. No abnormal psychology was detected for these long periods and he was easily controllable. Well, a new school year started last week and after just 3 days his seasoned teacher was keeping him in for recess and recommending that his guardian place him on medication! This is absolutely mind boggling to me. It is a travesty and yet teachers get away with this intimidation every day. They have all kinds of sneaky, dishonest, menacing ways to keep from getting caught diagnosing. They have been led to believe that they are all psychological experts and know more than parents and caretakers. A teaching degree is a cheap shot at an MD and teachers will never be qualified to give this kind of advice!

Wednesday, 22 August 2007


I am looking for a teacher (college degree not required; certification not required mainly because that doesn't tell me a thing about you as a person) who is not a part of any union, who is no longer interested in diagnosing and prescribing dumbing drugs for children, who actually cares about children, who is not interested in picketing for a higher salary every year, who has a genuine desire to help children falsely labeled ADD, ADHD, Autistic, LD, Dyslexic, who are on NO MEDICATION (a requirement of our school) who doesn't mind moving to a really warm, humid, socialistically controlled state, who likes working half a day for 4 days and one whole day each week. All rooms are air conditioned and we pay for your supplies.

Monday, 13 August 2007


I just have to give you a quote of a quote from a new book by Chris Mercogliano. "The article, "A Strange Malady Called Boyhood," written by Pulitzer Prize-winning science writer Natalie Angier, suggested that there has been a subtle but relentless shift in our culture's definition of what constitutes a "normal" boy. The nineteenth-century Tom Sawyer/Huck Finn archetype-brash, willful, naughty, rambunctious, aggressive, and always dirty-is no longer acceptable. Today, parents, teachers, psychologists, and pediatricians alike increasingly view the tempermental and behavioral distance between such boys and an ever narrower definition of normality as evidence of pathology. Such boys, they feel, are sick enough to require medication. And the powerful psychotropic drugs with which they then "treat" them enforce society's new definition all the way down to the biochemical level." We, at Lakewood, agree with this assertion. We prefer to call these youngsters (boys and girls alike) highly intelligent, multi-functioning, and highly active rather than ADHD impaired. We, at Lakewood, also prefer the terms multi-faceted, inquiring, and introspective rather than ADD resource candidates. As Chris ponders, even, "In evolutionary terms, how could as many as ten million kids have come down with a neurological disease virtually overnight? The idea defied reason." Yes, the whole idea of psychologically made up disorders does defy reason and because of it innocent children have to wear a dunce cap around for the rest of their lives. That is unless we all stop buying this load of (#!*!) and start believing in our children and their innate ability to learn and grow up at their own uncloned pace!

Tuesday, 7 August 2007

The Government's Intent?

Please explain this to me in laymen's terms so that I can understand! With all of our expertise in advancing technology (and in immorality, I might add) how is it that in 1940 80% of all black people could read, and 96% if all white (American cauc.) people could read? In 2000 only 60% of black people could read while only 83% of whites could read. That means that the number of blacks who can't read DOUBLED and the number of whites who can't read QUADRUPLED!!!! Evidently the 13 years of mandatory schooling in America isn't working too well. Why must our children spend 12 years in school NOT to learn what normally takes about 50 hours to learn - READING! Could it be mind control that the government is more interested in for our children? Drugging for control? How did you like listening to the pied piper tune for 12 years? Much worse than "water boarding" for many (the weaker of the race, our Dept. of Education would say)!!