Calling for complete end to compulsory education. Public school is so bad it should not even be an ELECTIVE!
Monday, 13 August 2007
I just have to give you a quote of a quote from a new book by Chris Mercogliano. "The article, "A Strange Malady Called Boyhood," written by Pulitzer Prize-winning science writer Natalie Angier, suggested that there has been a subtle but relentless shift in our culture's definition of what constitutes a "normal" boy. The nineteenth-century Tom Sawyer/Huck Finn archetype-brash, willful, naughty, rambunctious, aggressive, and always dirty-is no longer acceptable. Today, parents, teachers, psychologists, and pediatricians alike increasingly view the tempermental and behavioral distance between such boys and an ever narrower definition of normality as evidence of pathology. Such boys, they feel, are sick enough to require medication. And the powerful psychotropic drugs with which they then "treat" them enforce society's new definition all the way down to the biochemical level." We, at Lakewood, agree with this assertion. We prefer to call these youngsters (boys and girls alike) highly intelligent, multi-functioning, and highly active rather than ADHD impaired. We, at Lakewood, also prefer the terms multi-faceted, inquiring, and introspective rather than ADD resource candidates. As Chris ponders, even, "In evolutionary terms, how could as many as ten million kids have come down with a neurological disease virtually overnight? The idea defied reason." Yes, the whole idea of psychologically made up disorders does defy reason and because of it innocent children have to wear a dunce cap around for the rest of their lives. That is unless we all stop buying this load of (#!*!) and start believing in our children and their innate ability to learn and grow up at their own uncloned pace!