Tuesday, 7 August 2007

The Government's Intent?

Please explain this to me in laymen's terms so that I can understand! With all of our expertise in advancing technology (and in immorality, I might add) how is it that in 1940 80% of all black people could read, and 96% if all white (American cauc.) people could read? In 2000 only 60% of black people could read while only 83% of whites could read. That means that the number of blacks who can't read DOUBLED and the number of whites who can't read QUADRUPLED!!!! Evidently the 13 years of mandatory schooling in America isn't working too well. Why must our children spend 12 years in school NOT to learn what normally takes about 50 hours to learn - READING! Could it be mind control that the government is more interested in for our children? Drugging for control? How did you like listening to the pied piper tune for 12 years? Much worse than "water boarding" for many (the weaker of the race, our Dept. of Education would say)!!