Sunday, 11 November 2007


I recently discovered (or uncovered), at a ripe old age, that my underpinnings had crumbled! This is not a sad story but the realization of true beauty and innocence. My entire belief system is being jettisoned because I have finally opened my closed mind and eyes to reality. My religion, Protestant up until 6 years ago, had been pinned on the beliefs of a crazy man whom I had never bothered to investigate. My education had been 'managed' by a covert government agenda of control and deception, which I just accepted and never bucked. My life's philosophy and methodology was a reproduction of my parents, my schooling, and my churches' carrot and stick management (with me as the jackass)! Now, I'm the manager. How do I change so many years of deception and brain washing?

1st you enter a Church where you can find the true and clear light, and the SUBSTANCE that can renew and strengthen you on a daily basis.

2nd you earn your existence by making some dent and shift in direction to help others so that they won't have to wait until they are subjectively 'old' to really SEE the purpose of their lives and how to attain their goals. You create the vehicle! Blow the dirt off the diamond! Act upon the buried questions and opinions that were there since your teenage years!