Grades! "My kids are passing all of their subjects! I'm so proud of them,"you say. My question to you is, "How do you know that?" Surely you don't think that grades are a TRUE picture of your child's success. The gimmicks and bribes that today's teachers use to give grades is beyond belief. Let's just name a few.
1. Dropping the lowest score.
2. Dropping the two lowest scores.
3. Grading on a class curve.
4. Extra points
5. Borrowing points from a "good" student who has "extra".
6. Grade inflating
I could go on and on and on, but I don't want to bore you. Even grades on ACT scores are a bad indicator of how your child will perform in college. Why? Because all of the hard content has been removed, yet they are proclaiming that scores have never been higher. They just forgot to mention that their tests have been renormed AFTER removing all of the difficult problem solving text. This is the same tactic that licensing boards used in lowering the pass/fail level for granting teachers' certificates. They lowered them so low that they are a horrible indicator of whether someone can really teach or not!
A good indicator is how are (or did) your child perform his first year of college in math and English? Did they test out of any subjects or did they have to do remedial, non-credit work for a semester or two? (More money for the college, of course). Let your answers determine if you want to believe the school and leave your other children in public school. My advice, from current research and statistics, REMOVE them from the stagnant monopoly before they drown in a pool of educational murder!