Calling for complete end to compulsory education. Public school is so bad it should not even be an ELECTIVE!
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
Often I wonder if I have done the very best I could have done for my children. I am sure these are the thoughts of many parents. It is a struggle to raise children in today's world, a good struggle, one worth doing right. But our children have been given the raw end of the stick by being forced to endure the monolithic public school system. Millions of parents are being fed bull and lies everyday. The 'System' is creeping into every part of parent's lives (yes, even the bedroom) and so many are not even aware of it. This 'System' is the largest and most effective agent for humanistic social control ever conceived! They are promoting their own religion, all in the name of one world government. If you don't believe that this is the road we are almost to the end of - then watch the news, look at your kids, and listen. Take your temp. See how the 'System' affects your life right now! Government health care, social agencies on school campus, health clinics, school socialization 'projects' and environmental 'projects', school showers for the dirty, whole child learning, parent replacement programs, parent welfare, school lunch programs, psychological counseling, bilingual Americanization classes, after care, open-up-to-your-teacher counseling, all your needs met by the 'System'! I have only scratched the surface of what is really going on inside the Public School Bureaucracy! Need I say more? Enjoy your new world!