Thursday, 27 September 2007


I just had to share with you a quote from Joel Turtel's 2005 book entitled PUBLIC SCHOOL, PUBLIC MENACE: How Public Schools Lie To Parents and Betray Our Children. I share this because I couldn't have said it better myself!

"All 50 states have compulsory attendance laws. These laws force parents to send their children to public schools if they can't afford a private school. This legislative gun at parents' heads is how public schools get their "customers", our children. Compulsory attendance laws are the main reason public schools get away with educational murder, year after year, because the schools get their students by force."

Strong words. Many parents have no idea how true these words are because they do not know the content and substance of what goes on inside the schools their children attend. You see we, parents, were educated in those schools. We were groomed and programmed to think that the government is our friend. In colonial days that may have been true, but not today. If you are drawing a check from the government, you can't even imagine the strings that are attached. They will strangle you when you least expect it. So don't sleep and take your ease. Find out the truth for yourself!