The only way to make our public schools better is to GET OUT if you are a student or get your children out if you are a parent, before it is too late. There are currently and historically a substantial number of documents (readily obtainable) that prove that our once trusted government is using our schools to intentionally reshape our free society into a global society. Do the terms European Union, NAFTA, North American Union, ring any bells? These are only the beginning raindrops in the flood that is coming.
Check out the book by Charlotte Iserbyt mentioned in the last post - it will forever change your view of the real purpose of public school. Soon Democrat or Republican won't matter. I firmly believe that if you can't homeschool for some reason or if you can't afford private school, then your kids would be better off at Grammie's house (or sis, bro., or friends). Send them with a couple of good, educational books for down time and let them learn to help around the house, yard, with the laundry, etc. Not only would they be better off but they are sure to learn more than they are learning in public school! And if they are going to be religiously indoctrinated, at least it will be to your own family religion, instead of humanism, relativism, new age, witchcraft, and on and on. Your children are sitting ducks, guinea pigs in public school classrooms. You don't even know who they are at the mercy of.
The system is intentionally breaking down, drugging, the intellectual potential in your children. They are being worn down until finally they will just give in and go with the flow, however perverted the flow is. Forced public schooling is detrimental to children's mental and sometimes physical health. What a waste of energetic, formative, and tender years. Again I warn - GET THEM OUT - before the boredom and dumbing down consumes them, before the drugs are mandated, before the testing fails them, before the labels are permanently seared into your children's brain, before they have to sell their soul just to survive.
If the government loses enough dollar signs, which is exactly how they look at each child, then, and only then will they begin to listen.