I just have to share this quote from Charlotte Iserbyt(former DOE employee turned whistleblower). If you listen to your senators and representatives, they seem to be parroting this governmentspeak. Actual govt. documents, readily available, set forth the six real reasons for forced public schooling. Quoted from Charlotte Iserbyt's, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America".
1. to use the schools to change America from a free, individual nation to a socialist, global "state," just one of many socialist states which will be subservient to the United Nations Charter, not the United States Constitution
2. to brainwash our children, starting at birth, to reject individualism in favor of collectivism
3. to reject high academic standards in favor of OBE/ISO 1400/9000 egalitarianism
4. to reject truth and absolutes in favor of tolerance, situational ethics and consensus
5. to reject American values in favor of internationalist values (globalism)
6. to reject freedom to choose one's career in favor of the totalitarian K-12 school-to-work/OBE (Outcome Based Education) process, aptly named "limited learning for lifelong labor," coordinated through United Nation's Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.
So robotize all our children, drug them, keep them just dumb enough so that they will have to work all of their lives for the direct or indirect benefit of big corporations. The puzzle pieces begin to fit together. This is what this country has become even if it didn't start out that way.