Friday, 25 January 2008


Have you noticed the jargon that teachers use these days? They refer to children as “caseloads”, numbers, and the like. They have become psychologists and psychiatrists in name only. They learn their new trade at their “in-service” trainings. They “evaluate” your children according to some list that a group of “psypharmkats” put together in order to make more money and sell more drugs. They pick, sort, toss, tumble, and clean kids like so many apples on a conveyor belt. Then, of course, they toss out the “bad” ones. Resource, resource, resource, they say, but only if you qualify! They make you feel real special if your child qualifies for resource. Hooray! It means that the school gets more money for putting up with your kid and your kid gets somebody to read to them. Big prize! Only problem is, they never get out of resource because you can’t learn if someone else is doing your work, or worse still, just babysitting you! Besides, if you graduate from resource the school loses money - get it?

Wednesday, 9 January 2008

The Animal School: A Fable

This was written by George Reavis, who was an assistant superintendent of the Cincinnati Public Schools.

"Once upon a time the animals decided they must do something heroic to meet the problems of a "new world" so they organized a school. They had adopted an activity curriculum consisting of running, climbing, swimming and flying. To make it easier to administer the curriculum, all the animals took all the subjects.

The duck was excellent in swimming. In fact, better than his instructor. But he made only passing grades in flying and was very poor in running. Since he was slow in running, he had to stay after school and also drop swimming in order to practice running. This was kept up until his webbed feet were badly worn and he was only average in swimming. But average was acceptable in school so nobody worried about that, except the duck.

The rabbit started at the top of the class in running but had a nervous breakdown because of so much makeup work in swimming.

The squirrel was excellent in climbing until he developed frustration in the flying class where his teacher made him start from the ground up instead of the treetop down. He also developed a "charlie horse" from overexertion and then got a C in climbing and D in running.

The eagle was a problem child and was disciplined severely. In the climbing class, he beat all the others to the top of the tree but insisted on using his own way to get there

At the end of the year, an abnormal eel that could swim exceeding well and also run, climb and fly a little had the highest average and was valedictorian.

The prairie dogs stayed out of school and fought the tax levy because the administration would not add digging and burrowing to the curriculum. They apprenticed their children to a badger and later joined the groundhogs and gophers to start a successful private school."

This is what is done to our children in government schools every day! I can't call them Public Schools because "Public" would mean "Choice" and that only applies to killing unborn, unwanted babies. But wait, killing wanted, unborn babies is murder! What a screwed up country!

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

What Can Blogging Accomplish?

This blog is a hope, a prayer, that if enough people actually realize the horrible joke that is being played on American children and teens, in the form of FORCED government schooling, they will stand up and take the POWER TO PARENT back from the hands of the government. Like Laura Ingram, I support "Power To the People"! Like R. C. Murray, I believe that our future government graduates will be "Legally Stupid" if something isn't done! In it's present state compulsory government schooling should be abolished or, at the very least, only be used as an elective. It could serve as an internship for graduating seniors to study an experiment in colossal ignorance. But is it really ignorance that our government is perpetrating on our young or is it a premeditated control mechanism designed to keep America economically and militarily number one in the world? The truth is out there. This attrocity, and I speak mildly, has to be stopped. Our kids are not PRISON PUPPETS that need to be spoon-fed dumbed-down mush!