Calling for complete end to compulsory education. Public school is so bad it should not even be an ELECTIVE!
Friday, 25 January 2008
Have you noticed the jargon that teachers use these days? They refer to children as “caseloads”, numbers, and the like. They have become psychologists and psychiatrists in name only. They learn their new trade at their “in-service” trainings. They “evaluate” your children according to some list that a group of “psypharmkats” put together in order to make more money and sell more drugs. They pick, sort, toss, tumble, and clean kids like so many apples on a conveyor belt. Then, of course, they toss out the “bad” ones. Resource, resource, resource, they say, but only if you qualify! They make you feel real special if your child qualifies for resource. Hooray! It means that the school gets more money for putting up with your kid and your kid gets somebody to read to them. Big prize! Only problem is, they never get out of resource because you can’t learn if someone else is doing your work, or worse still, just babysitting you! Besides, if you graduate from resource the school loses money - get it?