Are you financially forced to keep your kids in public schools? Are you convinced that this education is free? I propose to you that the dibilitating effects of public school has limited the ability of young adults to make inteligent decisions. I would actively argue that students all during school, from earliest grades right on through college, are being brainwashed in these socialistic camps called schools. Their reasoning ability has been reduced severely. Young adults today cannot even "see the forest for the trees"! They are clueless as to the facist path that America is on right now.
Drowning in a sea of Marxism with 'spread the wealth around' as the watchwords of the day, our populace is crying out for even more government programs. We have been conservatively silent for so long that we even accept paying exhorbitant fees for the inferior brainwashing that goes on in universities across this country. Remember, that these professors received their formative learning from 'PUBLIC SCHOOL'! We lazily accept the brainwashers demands that our children pay for college courses that have absolutely no relation to their chosen career path.
One of the key factors in realizing that America is going down like the TITANIC is the open moral freefall. We are not just seeing and experiencing a decline in morals, but a literal sinking ship! The telling indicator is that the debate has moved from the religious pulpits across our land into the political arena. The political pundits are broadcasting the moral wars. The churches have been sounding the alarm for years all the while the public school system has been busy quieting the moral issues. "Oh, let's don't mix religion and politics," they say. "Don't ask, don't tell." "Let's not talk about that religion thing at school." "That's political incorrectness!" These are the master wizards!
This is where intelligence ends and stupidity begins! Folks, this is why we are here. Although most of our religious heritage has been eradicated from our public education history books, our political system is based on religious values. So how can you NOT mix religion and politics in any discussion? We are at a point in our short history that is bordering on the ridiculous! We have, and continue, as a nation, to throw mud in God's face. The result is before you. It is where America stands right now - up to her neck in her own defecation! Unless we self-examine, repent and return to God as a nation we will self-destruct.