Tuesday, 25 November 2008

When Will We Wake Up?

We keep wondering when parents will wake up and quit buying the patronizing answers from school boards as to why schools can't control or academically educate their kids. Most of us who run private educational learning centers do NOT do it for the money. Frankly, we could be earning much more money in other fields. We do what we do for love of children and their frustrated parents. We do it for a good cause. We do it because there is no other alternative for those parents who want their children to have a good, basic educational experience. We do it for parents who do NOT want GOD extracted and kept out of their children's eucation.

We KEEP doing it because of the damaged, helpless students we encounter every day, who have been cheated, labeled, misused, and shoved to the sidelines in the GAME that our government calls public education.

We have accumulated years and years of research from experts, moms, dads, teachers, test scores, and both state and local school board members, that back up our position on the endless mind control and social engineering that is ongoing in our public school systems across this country. We even have stacks of documentation provided from sympathizers who have worked in the federal Department of Education revealing the explicit intent and the path that these social engineers are taking our innocent children down. DOWN is the key word! They, whoever or whatever you want to call them, (I call them global comptrollers and directors of deception) are driving down the mentality and educational level of all American students. The reason, as I have stated, shouted, before, is so that the transition to a global market system and a one world government will be accepted without opposition. American educated students and their parents will accept this transition as just so much progress and world modernization. It must be really important to achieve this globalization. But if it is such a good thing why would you to have to delude the masses and sabatoge millions of children's education? Do you know why? Do you know how? More to come...........