Thursday, 1 October 2009


Chants of praise and homage to our president, miserably failing schools, crooked and perverse state and federal leadership, banning of Jesus' name being on any ornaments made for the capitol Christmas tree this year (09), the establishment of a new Muslim college here in America that will teach the truths(?) of their faith, government run healthcare, government run car companies, government run banks, government run student loans all should be saying something to stupid Americans! You are being taken for a ride, sucked in to the propaganda and hype, and you are primed and ready for a fundamental takeover. If we don't stand up now, our children won't have a United States of America to enjoy. We will either be dictatorially ruled or we will live in a completely Godless society. Our epitaph won't even read, "They fought bravely", it will read, "They gave up"! Won't God be proud of us?