Tuesday, 27 October 2009

National School Boycott

The teachers have done it. Workers have done it. A National School Boycott day, even month, would speak volumes to our federal government about the pitiful decline in academics as well as moral values in our school system! Let the teachers come to work and stare at empty classrooms for a while and maybe they will join the boycott. A mass walkout is the only way to wake this nation up to the reality of a failed government socialist experiment. The public school system is in need of a complete remaking. We do not need reform, better policies, new rules or any other bandaid put on a rotting, festering sore. So many American parents are still fooled by the wonderful, babysitting facade that the government has propagandized. But thankfully, many parents have pulled back the false front to see the seething mess beneath.

America needs a brand new public education system designed to compete with the rest of the world. We no longer offer first class education and no matter what you hear on TV, we no longer offer the best college educations. We need to open education in a completely new paradigm with academics as the core rather than social justice. Higher education must become more focused on the choice of career and the time needed to reach the end result, rather than so much play time and elective time. Doctors are needed now, not 10 years from now. Who were the first doctors in our country? Moms! Indians! Herbalists! Then came real(?) knowledge? Not immediately – first there were actually apprentices. I would rather have a surgeon with no degree that has worked closely under the supervision of a seasoned expert than a brand new surgeon just out of today’s med schools. He’s probably had more courses in patient psychology than actual hands-on experience operating on people.

We now have a National Day of Prayer, we need a National Day of Stay at Home From School! Students, as proven by the grand success of home-schooled students, learn more at home than they do in today’s public sex pits – I mean public schools! What can you do to help your children? Keep them at home away from the perverted school environment!