Public Schools are now, and have been for years, nothing more than government pulpits for training a majority populace to walk the progressive, socialist, facist, communist gang plank! And what does our government have when they finish training us up in the way that they want us to go? AUTOMATONS that will walk the 'gimme- gimme' walk, talk their global talk, and, more importantly VOTE for the new and changed American society.
When we have spent 12 years in the halls and cells of indoctrination and been brainwashed with useless subjects we are ripe for voting the 'right' way in the totalitarian regime. Then when those of us who have survived the pitiful beatdown of highschool, go on to 4 to 10 years of more useless, time consuming bunny paths, we are the proud owners of pieces of paper that might land us a job in the new massive, socialist regime - or NOT! However, the piece of paper does represent something - many hours and grande sums of money poured into the coffers of government controlled higher education. More money and time spent on witless subjects that have absolutely nothing to do with our new line of work, will never be used again, but are required(must have) hours in order to get our piece of paper. How proud we have been trained to be of our pieces of paper! We are proud right? We are such good 'subjects' of the ruling class that controls America!
Wake up America! The indoctrination starts in pre-school! Is this what you want for your children and your grandchildren?