I sit in awe as I watch the befuddled clowns of congress usher in THE PLAN of the elite progressives. The news media just rattles on incessantly back and forth. Even the truth tellers of Fox are being sucked down the socialist tubes. Foolsschool (the forced schooling arm of our federal government)and the 12 years in the halls and cells of indoctrination have finally succeeded in reducing Americans to lumps of clay ready to follow the talking heads of doom! There are really very few left who see what is really happening to our country. Stop scratching your heads folks, it's a done deal. If you would like answers as to how to survive the coming bankruptcy of our country and its slide into oblivion please read my new book, THE PLAN: WIPE OUT CHRISTIANITY IN AMERICA! In it you will find practical, workable answers to the confusion we are about to face. The deception we are fighting is revealed in a powerful, lifechanging account of what you and I can DO! Available at