Viewers of television, viewers of movies are pawns in the hands of a seditious enemy. Viewers can be called upon at anytime to do enemy bidding. The viewer's imagination has been taken captive and sludged into hypnosis. The only thing that causes the viewer to move is bodily functions, i.e. hunger pangs or trips to the bathroom.
These addicts of television, movies, internet, and techno-toys have their learning curves flattened, their worldview is narrowed, and their vocabulary is mere happy-talk,movie-talk,tv-speak and foul language.
"Well", the enraged viewer says, "what does God want me to do to fill my boredom?"
Try using your faculties to produce and use your bodies for delivery! Be always expanding your mind. If you're still in high school that will be more difficult, but, even you, must rescue your own mind from the mind-numbing, brainwashing socialism and dumbing down you are learning in school! You will have to find ways to expand your mind, to grow your brain power. If you follow the world and do the same things as everyone else, you are on the road that leads down.
Discover your purpose! Search deeply and thoroughly for it. Learn voraciously. Eagerly develop meaningful talents. Discover the difference between meaningful and meaningless; purposeful and pointless; productive and useless or wasteful. You CAN'T make these discoveries watching the latest 'chick flick'! Learn how to make a difference in your environment, in your circle of influence. Expand your heart. Forage out your full potential. God did not place you on earth to be bored or to twitter away time. He rewards productive, fruitbearing efforts. The higher road is a demanding road, but is also joyful and fulfilling.
Measure your success by how much of your time is spent producing, helping, learning, and expanding, measured against how much time you waste in trivia, the unimportant, meaningless, clueless activities of our modern stroke me society. Ask yourself, "Am I following or am I leading?" Television can be useful if it is not used for solace, killing, chillin, and wiling away time. It can be a tool for knowledge, information, witnessing, as can the internet, another major time consumer. But you must judge these things in what they produce and draw out of you. Using them for self-pleasure, killing time, a date-finder, or some kind of crutch is never useful. Nor is it pleasing to God.
Now, if you don't care about God or His purposes for your life then go ahead and lounge away all your free time. If you do care what God wants for you then STOP wasting His time! There is too much beauty and knowledge in the world and so many that need your help for you to be sitting like a staring clown in front of a TV, movie,computer, or game screen for hours filling your head with hours of mental junk! You might try asking yourself whenever you feel like 'vegging out', "How could I better use this time?" If you're tired, go to sleep. Even that is better than pouring the sewer into your brain. When Jesus said, "Take heed, watch and what I say to you all: WATCH, He wasn't talking about watching TV! He meant watch out so you won't be deceived into thinking you have a right to vegg and bath in the sewer of most TV programming and many other pitfalls!
And only two more passages from God's Holy Word-just 2 out of a million-would indicate that God wants us to devote our time to His service, not our own emotional needs. ICor.15:58 " steadfast, immovable, ALWAYS abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain." And ICor 16:13,14 "Be watchful, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong. Let ALL that you do be done in love." (Words all in caps added for emphasis) God wants us to be mature in our thinking, not like children. He wants us to have nothing to do with evil except to conquer it. If we keep dipping our minds in sinful, lustful, violent scenes, evil will conquer us!
We shouldn't be deceived into thinking that we can watch sin and it will have no effect on us. Bad company ruins good character and that includes worldly company thru movie/television/computer/game screens. God tells us to wake up, come to, come back to reality. He says that some of you have no knowledge of God. He says this to our shame. What does God want from YOU? What is His purpose for you in this life? If you can't answer these two questions then you have no time to be watching movies with their subliminal messages and pointless propaganda.
Calling for complete end to compulsory education. Public school is so bad it should not even be an ELECTIVE!
Thursday, 23 December 2010
Monday, 13 December 2010
America's latest strain of mental illness - xboxed brains! The American Teenage revolution is in full swing headed up by kids who can no longer do anything but print and misspell words, stare at xbox competitive violence, and take remedial, triple zero courses in college.
Thanks to dim-witted parents that refuse to ruffle little Joey's feathers for fear of initiating another tantrum, we have the current batch of unproductive teenagers, only 50% will graduate from government brain control (excuse me, I meant high school)!
If we don't soon remove the techno-toys, if we don't put a stop to the total self-centered, egotistical self-worship of todays teens by standing up and being real men and women of God, if we don't start saying "NO" pretty soon, if we don't start beatin' some butt(described in the same Book where our country got its laws) then we can kiss our American future good-bye! If we keep schmoozing, we'll keep losing our kids.
Thanks to dim-witted parents that refuse to ruffle little Joey's feathers for fear of initiating another tantrum, we have the current batch of unproductive teenagers, only 50% will graduate from government brain control (excuse me, I meant high school)!
If we don't soon remove the techno-toys, if we don't put a stop to the total self-centered, egotistical self-worship of todays teens by standing up and being real men and women of God, if we don't start saying "NO" pretty soon, if we don't start beatin' some butt(described in the same Book where our country got its laws) then we can kiss our American future good-bye! If we keep schmoozing, we'll keep losing our kids.
Mental Illness,
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Who could blame us for being disoriented, desensitized, in a continual state of sedation? If anyone thought that their local school district or their very favorite local school was getting better - think again. They are worse than ever thanks to our current president's policies. This man has obviously forgotten what the ghetto is like, if he ever knew. He sounds like a child blaming all of his woes on the Republican Party. Could you stand up like a man, Mr. President, and do something about the deplorable, immoral, UN-education that is going on in your federally funded public school system? NO? Why? Because you are too busy running around the country, trying to get your public opinion ratings back up, to think about American children's education. I even heard it with my own ears on this morning's news cast when you were bleating about all of your accomplishments and plans for a better America. You were so gracious in saying that, "we don't mind the Republicans coming along with us, they just have to sit in the back." I'm sure Rosa Parks would love hearing you say that.
My admonition to parents, sadly, has not changed and is even louder and more urgent than ever, "GET YOUR CHILDREN OUT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS AT ANY COST!!!!" The environment, the curriculum, the money-hungry administration, and the local school board influence is too hot to touch! It is like throwing your children in a burning inferno and saying, "See ya at three, have fun."
Wake up, educate yourself to the horrible things your children face everyday in school. How can you justify sending them into the wolves den just because it is FREE! It is not free, it is prison, it is chaotic, it is noisy, it is a complete waste of precious time. How can anyone learn in that environment? To top it off, it is a cheating environment. Nearly everyone cheats from the top to the bottom! Parents see A's on report cards and think 'Oh look how smart my child is'. Try testing them at the local recruiters office and see how many A's you see.
My admonition to parents, sadly, has not changed and is even louder and more urgent than ever, "GET YOUR CHILDREN OUT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS AT ANY COST!!!!" The environment, the curriculum, the money-hungry administration, and the local school board influence is too hot to touch! It is like throwing your children in a burning inferno and saying, "See ya at three, have fun."
Wake up, educate yourself to the horrible things your children face everyday in school. How can you justify sending them into the wolves den just because it is FREE! It is not free, it is prison, it is chaotic, it is noisy, it is a complete waste of precious time. How can anyone learn in that environment? To top it off, it is a cheating environment. Nearly everyone cheats from the top to the bottom! Parents see A's on report cards and think 'Oh look how smart my child is'. Try testing them at the local recruiters office and see how many A's you see.
Thursday, 9 September 2010
We've all heard the stories of the public school student who continues to pass from one grade level to the next without the ability to read or perform simple math operations. Some critics call it a form of social promotion, when attendance and catch-up projects are enough to get a student promoted. In an age when the achievement gap between the more and lesser educated continues to grow, it's unthinkable that we, as Christian school leaders, could allow this to happen to our children.
Happen, it does — everyday in classrooms around the world, where progress is based on the antiquated model that has at its center "seat time." This is why we must provide parents an alternative to the public school system.
The concept of measuring educational attainment by the number of hours a student sits in his seat originated in the late 1800s. This was simply a measurable (if ineffective) way to evaluate how much learning was actually happening. Although this concept made it easy for college administrators to translate high school courses into something they could measure to enable college admission, two students having spent the same time in a seat might have a vastly different knowledge base.
Over the last century, seat time in conjunction with standardized testing has become a gauge for learning. Unfortunately, we're measuring many things, but learning isn't one of them. We're measuring attendance, memorization skills, and compliance to guidelines.
The problem arises because many students make it through "the system" without the skills necessary to compete in the global world in which they live. On the other end of the spectrum, other students are quick learners, able to zip through many of their lessons and spend the rest of their seat time in boredom. This inaccurate method of assessment actually holds them back and disconnects them from taking responsibility for their own growth. Lessons become something they must simply get through, and learning is no longer exciting, but uninspired.
Thankfully, many schools today are moving away from this one-size-fits-all method of measuring academic development, allowing students to drive their own learning with curriculum that puts learners in the driver's seat. This allows students to move through lessons at a pace most comfortable and effective for them. This not only gives slower learners time to actually grasp and apply the information to real world situations, it also allows students who quickly grasp the material to move on to the next benchmark.
This learning model is much more effective for today's students, many of whom are accustomed to independently working on their computers or digital devices. For those students who learn best in traditional ways, this model can be applied to groups, allowing discussion and group projects to support the material.
Student-driven learning, combined with alternative assessment methods such as projects, essays, portfolios, and exhibitions, helps students develop a lifelong love of learning, and sparks curiosity.
We are responsible to provide an environment where students experience the joy of learning in the context of a Christian worldview. It's time to look inside your classroom and ask yourself if the learning model in place rewards seat time or supports real academic achievement. Reprinted from Alpha/Omega Messenger
Happen, it does — everyday in classrooms around the world, where progress is based on the antiquated model that has at its center "seat time." This is why we must provide parents an alternative to the public school system.
The concept of measuring educational attainment by the number of hours a student sits in his seat originated in the late 1800s. This was simply a measurable (if ineffective) way to evaluate how much learning was actually happening. Although this concept made it easy for college administrators to translate high school courses into something they could measure to enable college admission, two students having spent the same time in a seat might have a vastly different knowledge base.
Over the last century, seat time in conjunction with standardized testing has become a gauge for learning. Unfortunately, we're measuring many things, but learning isn't one of them. We're measuring attendance, memorization skills, and compliance to guidelines.
The problem arises because many students make it through "the system" without the skills necessary to compete in the global world in which they live. On the other end of the spectrum, other students are quick learners, able to zip through many of their lessons and spend the rest of their seat time in boredom. This inaccurate method of assessment actually holds them back and disconnects them from taking responsibility for their own growth. Lessons become something they must simply get through, and learning is no longer exciting, but uninspired.
Thankfully, many schools today are moving away from this one-size-fits-all method of measuring academic development, allowing students to drive their own learning with curriculum that puts learners in the driver's seat. This allows students to move through lessons at a pace most comfortable and effective for them. This not only gives slower learners time to actually grasp and apply the information to real world situations, it also allows students who quickly grasp the material to move on to the next benchmark.
This learning model is much more effective for today's students, many of whom are accustomed to independently working on their computers or digital devices. For those students who learn best in traditional ways, this model can be applied to groups, allowing discussion and group projects to support the material.
Student-driven learning, combined with alternative assessment methods such as projects, essays, portfolios, and exhibitions, helps students develop a lifelong love of learning, and sparks curiosity.
We are responsible to provide an environment where students experience the joy of learning in the context of a Christian worldview. It's time to look inside your classroom and ask yourself if the learning model in place rewards seat time or supports real academic achievement. Reprinted from Alpha/Omega Messenger
Thursday, 19 August 2010
What are your children learning in their current school? Are they learning the true history of America? Are they learning the true sciences and the intricate Divine design of the cell? How about math? Do you even know what your children are learning? If you don't know then perhaps if would be a wise idea(?) for you to do some investigation. Because of the 50% of students in this country who actually do graduate, 95% are brainwashed, socialist-thinking, illegal-immigrant-loving, gay-leaning, pot-loving, abortion-loving, sexually active, infantile, children! They are certainly not prepared for the real world that lies in front of them. Most have their hands stuck out in front of them looking for any government hand-out they can find. Hard working? Not!
Many of the other 50%, who don't even graduate, are shuffled off into trade schools. They may go a year but never graduate. The rest go directly into the workforce where they are needed most. This is all fine and good with our government because someone has to man the grease pits and the car washes of the Washington elites!
My doctor said that he just doesn't understand the ignorance of Americans in electing a socialist, 'illegal' immigrant loving, muslim president. I told him the same thing I just told you. The brainwashed graduates of public schools, the government check-drawers, those standing outside voting precints with night sticks are the reason we have such a spendthrift president!
If we don't wake up, and stand up for God and His values and virtues, then our own public school system along with perverted sex and abortion will take this country straight into mass slavery that will make black slavery look like a picnic!
Many of the other 50%, who don't even graduate, are shuffled off into trade schools. They may go a year but never graduate. The rest go directly into the workforce where they are needed most. This is all fine and good with our government because someone has to man the grease pits and the car washes of the Washington elites!
My doctor said that he just doesn't understand the ignorance of Americans in electing a socialist, 'illegal' immigrant loving, muslim president. I told him the same thing I just told you. The brainwashed graduates of public schools, the government check-drawers, those standing outside voting precints with night sticks are the reason we have such a spendthrift president!
If we don't wake up, and stand up for God and His values and virtues, then our own public school system along with perverted sex and abortion will take this country straight into mass slavery that will make black slavery look like a picnic!
Sunday, 11 July 2010
We Are Almost There! Where?
COMPLETE GOVERNMENT CONTROL OF OUR INDIVIDUAL LIVES! So is there any hope left for changing the education paradigm? Is it feasible to throw out the whole system of public education and encourage personal education? Or are we expected to buy the Washington propaganda and accept another 20 years of the manipulative social molding of our children. Please take 20 minutes to listen to Sir Ken Robinson's latest plea. Click on the title of this post to watch.
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Signs of the TIMES
We've heard it for years. But could it be true? Devastation is everywhere. Our government is in shambles but we don't really believe it. America is on an unsustainable track. Our public education system is in deep trouble. So what can we do to stop the madness? Turn to the real history books, not the doctored ones of the past 20 years. The road we are on can only lead to failure so we must adjust course. Our country must return to God. We must return to modestness and conservative values. If not our children and grandchildren will face the worst crisis in World History. We have the power, but do we have the courage to use that power for constructive purposes? We must stand against hate and the haters without becoming a hater! We must clean house and scrub the halls in Washington!
Saturday, 24 April 2010
Our Obama is growling and crying "Foul"! He and his cohorts can't believe that anyone would dare to stand against such wisdom as theirs. But great minds are finally coming together to say, "You are killing our country with your inflated egos and your bloated spending! AND you are failing to protect our country from illegal aliens just like President Bush did!" People like Dr. Alveda King, Priests for Life, Glenn Beck, Jon Voight, Governor Jan Brewer, Ted Nugent, the Tea Parties, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckaby, Sarah Palin, and the list goes on and on and is growing by the minute!
But Beware! The lake has turned over and the sludge is on the top! This power pump of the left has been planned since the early 1900's and they will not give up without a war. They will even purposely bankrupt the country before they give it up! There is evil lurking and the more they are pressured by groups like the Tea Parties, you can bet that if violence isn't present the 'powers that be' will implant it maliciously! There are also thousands of black people who voted for Obama who now realize that they made a mistake and they are speaking out to rectify that mistake!
Now, how could Dr. Martin Luther King's niece be so outspoken against her own leader, Obama, especially since he is a member of her race? The simple answer is that God is not being honored in this country anymore. Obama has made that abundantly clear and for those of us who honor our maker that fact is more important than any other. Obama is for and has already signed legislation that promotes the murder of infants! And notice that he hasn't done anything to improve education! Why? Because the schools are doing just what he wants them to do -- keep turning out little brainwashed voters to support his plans to socialize America and diminish our rights.
After 20 years in private education I have NEVER tested a student that came from a public school that wasn't from two to four years behind their grade level! And nothing changes! Taxes go up, the cost of food and white goods go up, minimum wages go up, but never the education level of American students! That keeps going DOWN whether compared with private school students or internationally! Wake up America and get your head out of your infatuation with 'the first black president'! Look what is really going on around you. Check your grocery bill, those of you that think you are not paying higher taxes because you make under 250,000! You are paying higher food prices and many other prices like gas and utilities - what's the difference? Study history, educate yourself, quit being fooled by the continuous stream of propaganda pouring out of D.C. And most important - GET YOUR KIDS OUT OF PUBLIC SCHOOL BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!
If you can't afford private school then homeschool them or let them self-educate through the internet for free! If you love God and Country you will see that all your kids are getting in public school is 'street smarts', 'pill smarts', 'sex smarts'(all flavors), and atheist smarts! Social first - Academic last and weak!
But Beware! The lake has turned over and the sludge is on the top! This power pump of the left has been planned since the early 1900's and they will not give up without a war. They will even purposely bankrupt the country before they give it up! There is evil lurking and the more they are pressured by groups like the Tea Parties, you can bet that if violence isn't present the 'powers that be' will implant it maliciously! There are also thousands of black people who voted for Obama who now realize that they made a mistake and they are speaking out to rectify that mistake!
Now, how could Dr. Martin Luther King's niece be so outspoken against her own leader, Obama, especially since he is a member of her race? The simple answer is that God is not being honored in this country anymore. Obama has made that abundantly clear and for those of us who honor our maker that fact is more important than any other. Obama is for and has already signed legislation that promotes the murder of infants! And notice that he hasn't done anything to improve education! Why? Because the schools are doing just what he wants them to do -- keep turning out little brainwashed voters to support his plans to socialize America and diminish our rights.
After 20 years in private education I have NEVER tested a student that came from a public school that wasn't from two to four years behind their grade level! And nothing changes! Taxes go up, the cost of food and white goods go up, minimum wages go up, but never the education level of American students! That keeps going DOWN whether compared with private school students or internationally! Wake up America and get your head out of your infatuation with 'the first black president'! Look what is really going on around you. Check your grocery bill, those of you that think you are not paying higher taxes because you make under 250,000! You are paying higher food prices and many other prices like gas and utilities - what's the difference? Study history, educate yourself, quit being fooled by the continuous stream of propaganda pouring out of D.C. And most important - GET YOUR KIDS OUT OF PUBLIC SCHOOL BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!
If you can't afford private school then homeschool them or let them self-educate through the internet for free! If you love God and Country you will see that all your kids are getting in public school is 'street smarts', 'pill smarts', 'sex smarts'(all flavors), and atheist smarts! Social first - Academic last and weak!
Sunday, 28 February 2010
Womb of the Left
Yes, we are in for many more years of the current chaotic and corrupt conditions in D.C. And why? Who do we have to thank? You guessed it - the corrupt American public school system. It is the new socialistic womb wherein all the little followers are trained to a "T"! The recent and current graduating classes have all been birthed and well trained in socialism in their public schools. And yes, they will vote those into office that most closely resemble their training. Just like circus animals, the college students and recent grads will lumber to the polls and vote their professor's and teacher's ideology.
In addition, they have been taught that,at all cost,religion and politics must be separated. But this is an impossibility because politics was birthed from religion! That genetic line will never be broken. Conservative views and values more closely conform to her birth mother(religion). Liberalism, on the other hand, flies in the face, like a rebellious child, of her religious beginnings.
Though the genetic line cannot be broken it has been weakened through mixture and blurring of absolutes until now we say, "Oh, it's okay for gays to get married. Sure, let's put tax cheats, tranvestites, and sex perverts in charge of our government.It's okay! And, by all means, let's keep killing babies!"
We have so perverted the truth that we are bouncing down the street on our hardened heads with our weak, quivering, knees and legs flailing in the air! We have hardened our hearts to the truth and God has darkened our understanding. Why? because of our lust and greed for more, more, and more of anything to satisfy our desire for power, self-pleasure, and control. When will it end? Who will end it? The God that men believe isn't really there?
In addition, they have been taught that,at all cost,religion and politics must be separated. But this is an impossibility because politics was birthed from religion! That genetic line will never be broken. Conservative views and values more closely conform to her birth mother(religion). Liberalism, on the other hand, flies in the face, like a rebellious child, of her religious beginnings.
Though the genetic line cannot be broken it has been weakened through mixture and blurring of absolutes until now we say, "Oh, it's okay for gays to get married. Sure, let's put tax cheats, tranvestites, and sex perverts in charge of our government.It's okay! And, by all means, let's keep killing babies!"
We have so perverted the truth that we are bouncing down the street on our hardened heads with our weak, quivering, knees and legs flailing in the air! We have hardened our hearts to the truth and God has darkened our understanding. Why? because of our lust and greed for more, more, and more of anything to satisfy our desire for power, self-pleasure, and control. When will it end? Who will end it? The God that men believe isn't really there?
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
I really feel sorry for public school teachers, at least the good ones, and all the students (K-12). Public schools (the system) have been wrong so many times that it is useless to listen to all their "new" research statistics. They discover a new and exciting study every year. They even discover a new "fix" every year! It is just annual drivel, as the students ability and performance just keep stagnating,at best,or going down, at worst. Oh, the administration has excuses for continued poor performance, but have you noticed how they always blame somebody or something else.
They NEVER take responsibility for their own failures and misjudgments. They are always getting "bailed out". They know, according to the government of which they are a part, that they are just "too big to fail"! So the albatross just keeps lumbering along destroying young lives, the schools just keep getting worse, and U.S. students keep creeping down in international performance. How sad for the little ones. Oh, well, maybe our students can win at Wii or Halo or Madden against the Taliban!
They NEVER take responsibility for their own failures and misjudgments. They are always getting "bailed out". They know, according to the government of which they are a part, that they are just "too big to fail"! So the albatross just keeps lumbering along destroying young lives, the schools just keep getting worse, and U.S. students keep creeping down in international performance. How sad for the little ones. Oh, well, maybe our students can win at Wii or Halo or Madden against the Taliban!
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Homeschool to Unschool
This article is a must read to arm yourselves against skeptical friends and nosey neighbors! It is about a Louisiana girl currently pursuing her PHD at LSU! Published on A Day In the Life of Unschooling newsletter, it provides inspiration to those questioning whether homeschooling is really the right path for my child. Laurie's mother has written a book called "The Unprocessed Child". Quite a telling title. Her is the excerpt of the article:
Laurie Chancey spent her childhood immersing herself in topics of her own choosing. She was never forced to learn something simply because tradition and/or society said it was necessary. No one was looking over her shoulder to make sure she was learning the “proper” subjects.
Having never seen a textbook or taken a test, never used workbooks or any type of teaching techniques, Laurie scored in the top 10% of the state of Louisiana on her college entrance exam. She enrolled in college when she was eighteen, and graduated summa cum laude three and a half years later. Laurie is a bright adult, but her IQ is not why she did so well. She spent her life learning to learn and it’s something that now comes easily to her.
Laurie Chancey spent her childhood immersing herself in topics of her own choosing. She was never forced to learn something simply because tradition and/or society said it was necessary. No one was looking over her shoulder to make sure she was learning the “proper” subjects.
Having never seen a textbook or taken a test, never used workbooks or any type of teaching techniques, Laurie scored in the top 10% of the state of Louisiana on her college entrance exam. She enrolled in college when she was eighteen, and graduated summa cum laude three and a half years later. Laurie is a bright adult, but her IQ is not why she did so well. She spent her life learning to learn and it’s something that now comes easily to her.
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
First Amendment Rights Denied?
Executive Order invites INTERPOL into the U.S. – without oversight!
Obama Is Not The Antichrist But He's Acting Like It.
By Eric Barger
Updated January 6, 2010
Revelation 13 succinctly spells out that someday in the future a person will head a system that will control the world politically, economically and religiously. At the beginning of his seven year reign, the Antichrist will first endear himself to the unsuspecting and gullible masses who are more than ready to crown him king of the world. Then, through a series of circumstances and controls “for the good of the earth,” the Man of Sin and his lieutenants will begin to systematically eliminate anyone who resists his “benevolent” rule. Eventually, claiming that he is indeed “god,” he will ruthlessly command the complete devotion of the peoples of the world. Before those dark days can unfold however, there will be an extended period of conditioning and preparation. Prophetically speaking, this is surely where we are in time.
A piece in that conditioning and preparation puzzle happens to be one of the most ominous items to cross my radar in many years. It was a little noticed recent amendment made by Barak Obama to a longstanding Presidential Executive Order (#12425) issued in 1983 by President Reagan. 1
In essence, what Obama decreed on December 17 gave INTERPOL agents the right and ability to operate as an untouchable police force with unquestioned and unrestrained authority inside the United States. INTERPOL, the International Criminal Police Organization, can now operate with full diplomatic immunity outside the confines of the U.S. Constitution to investigate, interrogate, and theoretically arrest anyone they see fit without the cooperation of the FBI or any state or local law enforcement. Our courts and judges would also be without recourse to stop them from simply doing as they want with ANY U.S. citizen. If you are concerned about so-called “hate crimes” legislation, then just imagine a politically correct international police force with known ties to Muslim countries operating unabated in our land. Could it be that while they go about rounding up suspected terrorists, arms dealers, and murderous thugs, they might also be used to clamp down on anyone exercising the once honored but now dissipating right of free speech? It’s no secret that the current leadership of our nation despises opposition and appears poised to try most anything to squelch it. Antichrist will conceivably begin his regime in like fashion, marginalizing and intimidating all who would publically stand against tyrannical powers, or expose moral evils, or who would dare perpetrate the greatest atrocity – that being to proclaim that Jesus is the only true Savior.
Equally disturbing is the fact that E.O. 12425 seems to allow for the sealing of documents and the transfer of such arrested prisoners to foreign countries to be tried in foreign courts under foreign or international law. (Perhaps Obama has his favorite “war criminals” former Vice President Dick Cheney and President G.W. Bush in mind?) As the Constitution indicates, I have always believed that the main task of the federal government of the United States was to protect the citizenry. It would appear Obama is bent on something completely different. Where is the U.S. Constitution on this subject and what can be done about this obvious breech of the Constitution by Obama? Are there men and women in Congress who will stand up and stop this madness? We really need to pray.
I understand that many will just relegate my thoughts to the loony bin of conspiracy theories. However, I am not the only person who is concerned. Former U.S. Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, is asking why as well. On the January 4 edition of “The O’Reilly Factor,” on the Fox News Channel, Gingrich said:
“The President recently signed, very quietly, an executive order that basically releases INTERPOL from all American constraints. Freedom of Information Acts don’t apply. All the constraints that you, as an American citizen, could use against an American police force based on a recent Obama-signed Executive Order, give INTERPOL, which has relationships with Syria, with Libya, with Iran…it gives them all sorts of extra legality in the United States in a way that has never ever before been offered to Interpol, and I’m very curious why the President is doing this.”
An editorial in the Washington Examiner stated: “this new directive from Obama may be the most destructive blow ever struck against American constitutional civil liberties.” 2
For complete article go the Eric Barger's Take A Stand ministry site.
Obama Is Not The Antichrist But He's Acting Like It.
By Eric Barger
Updated January 6, 2010
Revelation 13 succinctly spells out that someday in the future a person will head a system that will control the world politically, economically and religiously. At the beginning of his seven year reign, the Antichrist will first endear himself to the unsuspecting and gullible masses who are more than ready to crown him king of the world. Then, through a series of circumstances and controls “for the good of the earth,” the Man of Sin and his lieutenants will begin to systematically eliminate anyone who resists his “benevolent” rule. Eventually, claiming that he is indeed “god,” he will ruthlessly command the complete devotion of the peoples of the world. Before those dark days can unfold however, there will be an extended period of conditioning and preparation. Prophetically speaking, this is surely where we are in time.
A piece in that conditioning and preparation puzzle happens to be one of the most ominous items to cross my radar in many years. It was a little noticed recent amendment made by Barak Obama to a longstanding Presidential Executive Order (#12425) issued in 1983 by President Reagan. 1
In essence, what Obama decreed on December 17 gave INTERPOL agents the right and ability to operate as an untouchable police force with unquestioned and unrestrained authority inside the United States. INTERPOL, the International Criminal Police Organization, can now operate with full diplomatic immunity outside the confines of the U.S. Constitution to investigate, interrogate, and theoretically arrest anyone they see fit without the cooperation of the FBI or any state or local law enforcement. Our courts and judges would also be without recourse to stop them from simply doing as they want with ANY U.S. citizen. If you are concerned about so-called “hate crimes” legislation, then just imagine a politically correct international police force with known ties to Muslim countries operating unabated in our land. Could it be that while they go about rounding up suspected terrorists, arms dealers, and murderous thugs, they might also be used to clamp down on anyone exercising the once honored but now dissipating right of free speech? It’s no secret that the current leadership of our nation despises opposition and appears poised to try most anything to squelch it. Antichrist will conceivably begin his regime in like fashion, marginalizing and intimidating all who would publically stand against tyrannical powers, or expose moral evils, or who would dare perpetrate the greatest atrocity – that being to proclaim that Jesus is the only true Savior.
Equally disturbing is the fact that E.O. 12425 seems to allow for the sealing of documents and the transfer of such arrested prisoners to foreign countries to be tried in foreign courts under foreign or international law. (Perhaps Obama has his favorite “war criminals” former Vice President Dick Cheney and President G.W. Bush in mind?) As the Constitution indicates, I have always believed that the main task of the federal government of the United States was to protect the citizenry. It would appear Obama is bent on something completely different. Where is the U.S. Constitution on this subject and what can be done about this obvious breech of the Constitution by Obama? Are there men and women in Congress who will stand up and stop this madness? We really need to pray.
I understand that many will just relegate my thoughts to the loony bin of conspiracy theories. However, I am not the only person who is concerned. Former U.S. Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, is asking why as well. On the January 4 edition of “The O’Reilly Factor,” on the Fox News Channel, Gingrich said:
“The President recently signed, very quietly, an executive order that basically releases INTERPOL from all American constraints. Freedom of Information Acts don’t apply. All the constraints that you, as an American citizen, could use against an American police force based on a recent Obama-signed Executive Order, give INTERPOL, which has relationships with Syria, with Libya, with Iran…it gives them all sorts of extra legality in the United States in a way that has never ever before been offered to Interpol, and I’m very curious why the President is doing this.”
An editorial in the Washington Examiner stated: “this new directive from Obama may be the most destructive blow ever struck against American constitutional civil liberties.” 2
For complete article go the Eric Barger's Take A Stand ministry site.
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