Monday, 17 November 2014


Three simple quotes pack powerful truths that I am in complete agreement with. Meditate upon them. Watch the documentary, IndoctriNation from New Leaf Press. #1 It has always mystified me why parents think that it is lawful to send our children into our public education system, which is dedicated to teaching paganism.If people found out I was going to start sending my kids to a Muslim school, they would have a conniption fit. If I were to send my children to a Hindu school, I would be in serious trouble. I would probably get fired. But parents have no problem sending their children to pagan schools. Scott Brown, Director of the National Center for Family Integrated Churches. #2 Is there an idea more radical in the history of the human race than turning your children over to total strangers, who you know nothing about, and out of your sight having them work on your child's mind for 12 years? It is a mad idea! John Gatto, New York City teacher of the year. #3 When your children are in the public school environment (even if they and you are good Christians) and they are walking the halls and in the locker rooms, they're hearing about all the music and the movies of the world and the sensuality and the sin of the world, that is (what Psalms calls) standing in the way of sinners. Children in these schools develop an attitude of resentment toward authority, towards parents, towards teachers, and that is something we have been told to avoid. Israel Wayne, homeschool graduate and author of Homeschooling From A Biblical World View.