Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Common Core Creates Chaos!

Why is no one listening to the parents? Now, the teachers are shaking off the brainwashing that they received when Common Core was implemented because they realize that this method of teaching is a travesty meant to crush the free spirits of children, to make them feel stupid and incapable of learning. When seniors in high school can't tell the difference between states and cities, countries and states; when they can't spell ordinary, everyday words; when they can't work simple math problems, someone should get the message out! OBAMACORE is incapacitating kids! Parents, how long will you put up with this detriment to your own children just because it is free? Keep them out of school for a year. Give them a break from the madness. You take a break from the madness. Public school and any other school that has implemented Common Core is killing our children and the future of this country! href=>"http://mobile.wnd.com/2015/02/top-teacher-winner-quits-due-to-common-core/#iyorjHkQiwOBct17.01">