Calling for complete end to compulsory education. Public school is so bad it should not even be an ELECTIVE!
Thursday, 29 October 2015
Public Schools are run by American Socialists, making public schools the training ground for the liberal agenda. Will we see another conservative leader of the Educational system here? I doubt it! Too many high school trainees have been loosed on society. It used to be just college where the innocent were made into weirdos, but because that wasn't producing enough Marxist thinkers, the socialist designers backed right down into middle school. Now all of the isms are thriving and methodically taking over all political entities and agencies. Think its bad now? Wait a few more years. For those of you who hope it will get better, brace yourselves! We haven't seen anything yet. Scripture says to train up a child in the way he should go. Unless children are trained in Scripture itself as the basis of all subjects they will not have what it takes to survive and stay above the cultural rot that is upon us. That's just a simple fact that will be true through eternity. Trust your children to government training in any form and you are playing with their very lives. Yes it is that serious. Do your research. Common Core is only the tip of the iceberg. Think the LGBT is not in "your" public school system? If your child's school has an anti-bullying program, then the LGBT is in "your" public school. The indoctrination is very subtle, but is there in all its ugliness. Word to the wise: Don't leave God out of their DAILY training. Make it part of their schoolwork any way you can.
Friday, 25 September 2015
As the World Meeting of Families draws to a close, I have been reflecting on my own family through the lens of its theme, Love Is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive. We began home schooling when my oldest son was in second grade. That single decision has made our lives together more a celebration of family as the sanctuary of love and life than anything else my husband and I have done.
One of the unique gifts of home schooling is how it challenges each of us to love one another more purely and sacrificially, and enables us to focus on each person’s unique gifts and interests in order to make them fully alive and active, both for our own family and the family of society.
A Musical Home
I maintain that position because I know piano is the best musical foundation to build on; every musician I know says so (and I live in Nashville). And music is a beautiful foundation for other noble endeavors.
Proven to support and nurture logic skills and creativity, kids in the arts also perform better on standardized tests, watch fewer hours of TV, participate in more community service, and report less boredom in school. Music is nurturing in more areas than I wish to document with footnotes.
Family as Music
In our home school, Tuesday is Music Day. EVERYONE LOOKS FORWARD TO TUESDAYS! The boys beg to practice and do more than the required 30 minutes. They eagerly gather their music books and rush to the car to arrive at their lessons early.
Um… not exactly. The truth involves much more messiness. But that’s how life, and family life in particular, really is, right?
My 16-year-old accuses me of forcing him to stay in piano because I love it myself. He wants to play guitar or drums. I want him to also, and hope he does. But while he lives at home, he’s going to play piano at least.
Although we suffered five years or so of his regular, ear-bleeding piano practices at our house, we have reached the lovely point that my 16-year-old is playing Rachmaninoff and Chopin. He makes up for the current ear-bleeding practices of the youngest.
And I love it all.
When listening to my oldest practice, hearing the music that leaves his fingertips makes me weep—like bawl an ugly cry sometimes— although I don’t let him see that. I just hide somewhere I can hear him and let it out in thanksgiving to God, for music and motherhood, for sons who persevere, for a husband who works so hard in order that I can stay home, and for the best piano teacher I have ever encountered.
Like King Saul, who was only sane when young David played for him (1 Sam 16:23), I am touched and more at ease in the soul when my son practices. My husband often falls asleep listening to him play. Our cat sits on the piano and meows if he stops.
Life as Music
But my son gets agitated and upset at his mistakes and faults. He swears under his breath at every missed note and rest. Sometimes he gets very angry at missing the same note or measure over and over and over. He throws the music and forces away from the piano in a wrath.
But as I listen to him practice, all I hear is glory. At this point in his musical life, even his practice is beautiful. And what I realized, through him, is that God feels the same way about us. Isn’t the messiness of practicing at love—for family, for God, for our neighbor—the essence of life?
“And let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we do not lose heart” (Gal 6:9).
Is there a sin you have been battling for weeks or months, maybe even years? Is there a virtue or habit you’re trying to cultivate that you fail in more than you succeed? Is there a goal you’ve been striving toward but missing for what seems like ages?
The family is there to create a supportive environment and help us in the most frustrating moments of our humanity. It takes the love of a mother and father to offer the patience needed to walk with children in their struggles of development. Can you remember a time when your parents or loved ones guided you to virtuous habits? If you have children of your own, have you passed on any of those habits to them? No matter what we may be trying to achieve in life, there will be some ugly moments and some wrong notes played on the road to the goal; but when surrounded by those who love you…even your practice is beautiful.
Sonja is a Scripture evangelist, wife, and homeschooling mother from Nashville whose Bible study show, Pursuing the Summit broadcasts on Real Life Radio. Her new release, Unleashed, is airing now on Catholic TV and is available wherever books are sold. Find her at
Monday, 17 August 2015
Shameful, for such a technologically advanced country!
This is not news: America does pretty badly when it goes up against other countries academically.
This is true even if we take it one state at a time—no single state, no matter how wealthy or small, matches the top scoring countries. And yet, the U.S. spends more per student than many other countries in the world.
The U.S. is not even in the top 15 countries of the world even though they spend more money than the other countries in almost every category. That is according to an international test of mathematical reasoning skills given to 15-year-olds.
So why is U.S. Education so bad? Amanda Ripley decided to find out.
She started asking random people what they thought and she followed up on their ideas. The same theories came up over and over: People blamed poverty and diversity for the difference between U.S. students and students everywhere else. But when Ripley dug into the numbers, she discovered that, while those are factors, they don't fully explain the difference.
No adult could give her a satisfactory answer, so she went to the experts: kids.
Kids spend more time in school than anyone. They've got strong opinions about school. They have opinions on what is working.
She talked to the only students who could have firsthand knowledge of the differences between schools in top-performing countries and those in the U.S.: American kids who were exchange students in those countries.
She surveyed hundreds of exchange students and found three major points that they all agreed on.
The students all said that in their host countries:
1. School is harder. There's less homework but the material is more rigorous. People take education more seriously, from selecting the content to selecting the teachers.
2. Sports are just a hobby. In the U.S., sports are a huge distraction from the business of school, but that's not the case in other countries.
3. Kids believe there's something in it for them. The students in other countries deeply believe that what they are doing in school affects how interesting their lives were going to be. Even if they don't like a class, they see their education as a stepping stone to their future.
Story on
We now live in a country where kids are smarter than adults, because it's the adults that try to make school easier! The adults are the driving force behind pushing their kids into sports! And the adults are the ones who give the kids a free ride and push for entitlement!
Sunday, 5 July 2015
With the Department of Education putting the rainbow flag behind their logo on their Facebook page in celebration of the Supreme Court's decision on gay marriage it is pretty clear that children will not be getting an unbiased education! Now is the time to flood the homeschooling movement with hundreds of thousands of new students! This will speak louder than anything else to the voices in Washington who have taken away so many of our freedoms. Here is the testimony of an ex-teacher:
"As a former Catholic school teacher, I well remember how public school districts hated parents teaching their own children (and all the stereotypical profiles of parents and how it really took a teacher to really teach). The fact that test scores usually exceed pubic schools has been enough to close most of their diatribes. What many might not know is that this attitude also pervaded diocesan schools, as well. This was particularly noticed when parents refused to send their children Catholic schools because they weren't receiving proper Catholic instruction. I only had to quiz my children when they returned from CCD to know this was true.
I never had this problem after I revamped the middle school Religion program where I taught, as my 8th grade students always scored above the national norm in religion (as well as my 7th graders - testing at the beginning of their 8th grade year - scoring at the 10 grade level in math
and 11th grade level in science). A new principal and Religion was no longer the first concern of the school, though it should always be. Technology rules the day and religion is so passé.
With the advent of the bishops’ submission to Common Core (and the collusion between the National Catholic Education Association and the Bill Gates Foundation), the odds are that education across the board will suffer, both at the public and diocesan levels." WRBaker
Thursday, 14 May 2015
Home School Graduate.
Two of my home school graduates called me today with their semester grades. One in her third semester Nursing Program has a 3.98 GPA, the other has a 3.3 her first year in Grad school. Then I see this from a friend on Facebook: "OK Folks I am chuckling today at a thought. Tomorrow I get to watch my poor deprived home educated son graduate with honors from our local junior college. How odd, I mean let's face it, he was taught at home by a high school drop out of a mother who worked full time nights. Oh and he has already received one offer of a scholarship to another college to continue on to his BA and says its not a school he is really interested in at this time so he will wait and see." Multiply these stories by about a million and you see the value of Home Schooling, where students actually learn academics rather than "social" interaction, sports and parties! Congrats to these and the rest of the deprived ones, all those poor, socially inept home school grads!lol
Saturday, 2 May 2015
Rev. Donald Sensing, a Methodist minister from Tennessee, argues that acceptance of same-sex marriage “will not cause the degeneration of the institution of marriage; it is the result of it.”
Understand that Rev. Sensing is not happy with the situation as he sees it. “I believe that this state of affairs is contrary to the will of God,” he writes. But he argues persuasively that the public understanding of marriage was doomed when society accepted the Pill, and thereby severed the link between marriage and procreation. Marriage, he observes, had traditionally been recognized and protected by society as the only institution in which sexual intercourse—and, therefore, child-bearing—was sanctioned.
”Society's stake in marriage as an institution is nothing less than the perpetuation of the society itself, a matter of much greater than merely private concern,” Rev. Sensing writes. But once contraception became the norm, and procreation was deemed incidental, the fundamental reason for legal protection of marriage was obscured.
Today, marriage is generally understood as a social and legal contract between two people: nothing more. (In fact marriage is the only legal contract that society does not enforce; either partner can break the bond with impunity.) “But what weddings do not do any longer,” Rev. Sensing remarks, “is give to a man and a woman society’s permission to have sex and procreate.”
In today’s America, an increasingly large proportion of young people believe that they have permission to have sex whenever they want, with whomever they want. As for procreation, that too is taking place, more and more frequently, outside the bounds of wedlock.
But public attitudes could change, as they have changed in the past 50 years, and a change in attitudes could lead to another change in laws. So consider Rev. Sensing’s insight from a different perspective. Imagine that, sometime in the future, our society decides that some permission should be required before couples have sex and procreate.
Reflect on that possibility for just a moment, and you realize that, while our society is very unlikely to impose new restrictions on sex, it isn’t nearly so far-fetched to imagine restrictions on the right to have children. A government that is arrogant enough to re-define marriage is surely arrogant enough to require licensing for child-bearing. And if the marital contract means nothing more than what the government says it means, then marriage does not ensure the right to have children.
Do you want to live in a society in which the government decides who should have children, and when, and how many? If not, you should worry about the future of marriage law. As Rev. Sensing demonstrates, you should worry not only about what the Supreme Court may do, but about what has already been done.
Phil Lawler - Catholicculture.orgwe
Monday, 27 April 2015
Friday, 24 April 2015
The Carnegie Corp., Common Core, and Communist World Govt.
Carnegie's Done Deal: 1934-2015
US Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, & Pensions: Newsroom - Press Releases
Parents and taxpayers beware! You don't have to waste your precious time reading all the educationese text in this Reauthorization bill, or any of it's amendments! Simply look at the Baker's Dozen who strongly support Senators Patty Murray and Tsar Lamar's Reauthorization of ESEA.
These individuals and groups have no constitutional right to be using our tax money to restructure the USA from a Constitutional Republic to a Democratic Socialist / Communist nation in a World Government (NWO) being implemented as ABCs of Dumb Down writes. These individuals and groups are carrying out Carnegie Corporation's agenda, spelled out in its 1934 book Conclusions and Recommendations of the Commission on the Social Studies, which called for using the schools to change America's capitalist economic system and, in some cases, to take our land. Citation: Type "Conclusions" into search engine. (See esp. pages 16 and 17)
This list includes communist change agent groups, including useful idiots, that have been responsible for the deliberate dumbing down and the deliberate destruction of your children's and their teachers' values, through mental health brainwashing programs, since passage of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965.
Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D., in The Power Elite Exposed, page 304, explains the history of this communist transformation of the world's autonomous nations into first, regions (UN Agenda 21 using the unelected council form of government being implemented nationwide, and in education through charter schools ). This transformation will ultimately lead to a world union of socialist nations. (World Government).
"Most of the leaders of the nations which are members of the European Union [ Program for International Student Assessment PISA ,being forced on the US, ed ] are already members of Socialist International, and if other nations around the world can be moved toward socialism and regional economic arrangemenets, then these regional groupings can be more easily merged into a world socialistic government.
"At this point, one might be wondering how the power elite could get Communist dictators to go along with this scenario. The explanation is that this scenario is quite similar to the three-stage plan outlined by Stalin at the 1936 Communist International. At that meeting, the official program proclaimed:
'Dictatorship can be established only by a victory of socialism in different countries or groups of countries,' after which there would be federal unions (UN Agenda 21 regional government which is communism, ed) of the various groupings of these socialist countries, and the third stage would be an amalgamation of these regional federal unions into a world union of socialist nations."
Strong Support for Bipartisan Legislative Agreement to “Fix No Child Left Behind”
Education community, national and state leaders praise ? Every Child Achieves Act?
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Margaret Atkinson / Jim Jeffries (Alexander): 202-224-0387
WASHINGTON, D.C., April 21 – The Every Child Achieves Act of 2015, introduced earlier this month by Senate education committee Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Ranking Member Patty Murray (D-Wash.) to fix “No Child Left Behind,” last week passed the committee unanimously and is receiving broad support from governors, chief state school officers, teachers, school board members, and school superintendents.
According to Sen. Alexander, “The consensus the committee reached is this: Continue the law’s important measurements of academic progress of students but restore to states, school districts, classroom teachers and parents the responsibility for deciding what to do about improving student achievement. This change should produce fewer tests and more appropriate ways to measure student achievement. It is the most effective path to advance higher state standards, better teaching, and real accountability.”
What others are saying about the Every Child Achieves Act of 2015:
National Governors Association: “The nation’s governors commend the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee for working in a bipartisan way to restore balance to the state-federal relationship. Governors have long called for the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. The Every Child Achieves Act reinforces the principle that accountability and responsibility for K-12 education rests with the states. It also supports governors’ strategies to improve low-performing schools and includes flexibility for governors to empower teachers and school leaders to prepare all students for success. We look forward to working with the Senate to ensure gubernatorial leadership is reflected in the bill and reauthorization is completed this year.”
National School Boards Association: “Today marks a great victory for local and community leadership in public education. Though there is much more work to be done, today’s powerful vote demonstrates that we are one step closer to rewriting the broken No Child Left Behind Act and modernizing ESEA.”
National Conference of State Legislatures: “The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) applauds your bipartisan legislation to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). The Every Child Achieves Act is a strong, state-centered bill and an important step forward in fixing the current law. We appreciate that the legislation includes many provisions recommended in the reauthorization plan that NCSL released in partnership with the National Governors Association. Under your legislation, states would receive greater flexibility in areas such as accountability systems and school improvement strategies. It also ensures that states will determine academic standards and can use innovative assessments to measure student achievement.”
National Association of State Boards of Education: “NASBE applauds Chairman Alexander and Ranking Member Murray for putting forth a bipartisan bill that recognizes the essential role states play in setting education policy, while continuing the federal commitment to equity and accountability. The Every Child Achieves Act of 2015 is an important step forward in providing states and districts with the authority and certainty they need to place the nation’s schools on a path to higher performance and continual improvement.”
Council of Chief State School Officers: “Chairman Alexander and Senator Murray have created an excellent bipartisan bill that gives the Senate a strong starting point for the long overdue reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. The Every Child Achieves Act of 2015 is aligned with the key priorities that State Chiefs outlined in January, and will provide our states with the long-term stable federal policy they need to continue making progress for all students.”
School Superintendents Association: “This bill restores a more proper balance between federal, state and local government in public education. ECAA takes the pendulum of federal overreach and prescription rampant in current law and places it more squarely in the area of state and local expertise and autonomy. The bill recognizes the importance of empowering state and local leaders to use their professional knowledge and proximal location to make the decisions necessary to successfully adhere to their educational missions. It corrects flawed policy related to standards, accountability and assessments to ensure that all students are better positioned to learn and achieve.”
Teach For America: “Teach For America (TFA) was glad to see a bipartisan Elementary and Secondary Education Act reauthorization bill released today that recognizes the urgency in updating and strengthening our education laws, from early learning through high school graduation. All students, regardless of race, national origin, or income, deserve the opportunity to succeed, and all teachers deserve the resources and the professional development to help them do so. This bill is a start in the right direction to move progress forward.”
American Federation of Teachers: “At the beginning of this reauthorization process, we called on policymakers to reclaim the original purpose of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act — to help children, particularly those at risk — and to end the testing fixation. Today, in a bipartisan manner, Sens. Alexander and Murray took an important first step by showing that, even in this current climate, one can find common ground by listening to teachers, parents and other important voices in education.” – Randi Weingarten, president
Partnership for 21st Century Learning: “Today P21, the Partnership for 21st Century Learning, the leading organization uniting business, education, and government leaders to advance meaningful teaching learning for all students, expressed support for the Every Child Achieves Act (ECAA) sponsored by Senators Alexander and Murray as a balanced, bipartisan approach to updating the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). P21 strongly supports the bill's commitment to equity, innovation, and emphasis on equipping students with the knowledge and skills required for postsecondary success.”
National Alliance for Public Charter Schools: “We are pleased that Chairman Lamar Alexander and Ranking Member Patty Murray (D-WA) have achieved a bipartisan agreement to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act…We applaud the committee for strengthening this program that has been critical to the growth of charter schools nationwide.”
Third Way: “This thoughtful compromise represents a huge step forward in achieving meaningful reform of the parts of NCLB that weren’t working, while preserving those parts that were spurring growth in student achievement. If every Member of Congress approaches this upcoming debate with the same spirit that has generated this compromise, there’s no doubt we will see a new law passed this year — one that will continue to build on the progress we’ve made since No Child Left Behind and set our students up for success in an increasingly competitive global economy.” Charlotte Iserbyt April 24, 2015
Tuesday, 24 March 2015
If you are a believer, Catholic or Protestant, it is time to take education back from the koolaid drinkers! Children are getting soaked with false messages about reality 24/7. Parents are following the pied piper also by allowing much of the deception to be poured into their little one's minds, either through corrupt thinking school systems or television, movies and music. It is time for believers to act like believers and stop allowing the enslavement of their own children. Warning! If you don't do it now, you will regret it. It may already be too late!
"When you consider the [current]situation of religion teacher Patti Jannuzzi being fired for speaking the truth on her Facebook page [about the lack of a shred of eveidence of homosexual genes and that children need both a mother and a father], and when you consider the constant brainwashing of children (even in Catholic schools) on tolerance for homosexual activity, and when you consider a host of other subjects like evolution, sex ed, etc. all being shoved down the throats of little ones.....
Well...maybe it's time to get back to basics and what the Church has taught for millennia about the truths of the faith and the obligation to pass them on.
Read these words of wisdom from Pope Pius XI (1939):
Nevertheless, Venerable Brethren and beloved children, We wish to call your attention in a special manner to the present-day lamentable decline in family education. The offices and professions of a transitory and earthly life, which are certainly of far less importance, are prepared for by long and careful study; whereas for the fundamental duty and obligation of educating their children, many parents have little or no preparation immersed as they are in temporal cares. The declining influence of domestic environment is further weakened by another tendency, prevalent almost everywhere today, which, under one pretext or another, for economic reasons, or for reasons of industry, trade or politics, causes children to be more and more frequently sent away from home even in their tenderest years. And there is a country where the children are actually being torn from the bosom of the family, to be formed, (or, to speak more accurately, to be deformed and depraved) in godless schools and associations, to irreligion and hatred, according to the theories of advanced socialism; and thus is renewed in a real and more terrible manner the slaughter of the Innocents.
Every tyrant knows that controlling the future means controlling the minds and hearts of the children. What are your children learning today? Are your values taking root in them or are they being formed by godless professors in college classrooms and local schools? Don't let them forget where they come from!
It's worth thinking about. Printed on 3/24/2015 Les Femmes - The Truth
Saturday, 14 March 2015
By Diane Kepus
March 14, 2015
In the nightmare world progressives are designing a civil society where little tots are to no longer be your little tots. They are government-sought human resources to be raised as tomorrow’s anarchists.
The massive push to fund Pre-K and get a hold in our daycare centers by providing the funding is a single mothers dream. However, in reality it flows with the Communist way of thinking which is to have control of the children from birth through college. This mentality is endorsed by Sen. Lamar Alexander (R), Al Gore and Bill Ayers as a means to indoctrinate the children and build barriers between them and their parents.
How could anyone be against tax-subsidized Pre-K for all you ask? There are many ways. I will never understand why parents are so willing to let complete strangers have control of their children for 6-9 hours a day, 5-7 days a week.
If that chokehold on children is not Hitlerian, then what is?
“Those Obama initiatives are knockoffs of moldy-old Democratic policy chestnuts, such as former Vice President Al Gore’s push to fund preschool for all 3-year-olds at a cost to taxpayers of at least $50 billion over 10 years, left-wing actor/director Rob Reiner’s “I Am Your Child” campaign for universal preschool and child care, and Hillary Clinton’s various “It Takes a Village” schemes to expand Head Start from womb to work. With age comes fiefdom.” (Malkin).
You don’t believe Marxism is in the classroom? What do you think all the Bill Ayers taught teachers are spreading? The only group of terrorist acting Americans who went to jail and came out to go to college to become teachers and were welcomed by the liberal colleges and universities to indoctrinate your children on your dimes.
In 2012 Diane Ravitz confused her readers when a reader ask if Ms. Ravitz thought teachers were teaching Marxism in the classroom and she responded addressing that all teachers love children, to teach and their country. Sorry Ms. Ravitz, most change agents of the 80’s were teachers and you didn’t answer the question.
Bertell Ollman, a college professor who states she has taught both undergraduate and graduate courses on Marxism for almost a decade—mainly at New York University, but also at Columbia University, Union College, and the old Free University of New York believes Marxism is not being taught correctly.
Has the Bogeyman entered the bedrooms and classrooms of our young children? Marxism has been slowly infiltrating our lives since the early 20’s. John Dewey is not a figment of anyone’s imagination.
Obama sees fit to once again put his feet and hands into the classrooms of our children and also encouraging parents to put their children in Pre-K even if they don’t work and he is making sure it is funded.
On Wednesday, December 17, 2014, the White House Summit on Early Education unveiled nearly $1 billion in new “investments” to “expand access to high-quality early childhood education to every child in America” from “birth and continuing to age 5.” It’s a retread of President Obama’s 2013 State of the Union school-spending plan, which was a repackaging of his 2011 Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge program.
Dozens of corporations, foundations and individuals have agreed to dedicate a greater ongoing percentage of their philanthropy to expanding high quality early childhood programs and research as a strategy for achieving better education, health, social and economic outcomes, with commitments currently totaling more than $333 million.
Obama also announced over $750 million in federal funding for early learning programs through the Preschool Development Grants and Early Head Start-Child Care (EHS-CC) Partnerships, totaling more than $1 billion in critical investments in early childhood education announced today.
There are some pretty big Bogeymen out there to warp the minds of your children let alone the physical and mental abuse of the heavy push for our children to sit in a classroom all day long tied to a computer.
Cleverly they have incorporated the National Sexual Education Standards (NSES) throughout the curriculum of the English Language Arts and Math textbooks. Hurrah for Planned Parenthood (PP)! This is to start in Kindergarten.
I have written about this push of sexual education for our children at such an early age before and it is just like the DARE drug program to stop drug use. Young children who are exposed to things they know nothing about are going to go about their own way to learn what it is all about – hence a large drug problem among young children. The same thing is happening with all the “sexual” information being thrown at our young children. Hence, the increase of sexual promiscuity and unwed mothers.
Just what kind of men and women do we have running the government of our country that they would allow these inexcusable antics to go on especially without informing parents? But then, after all, what do the legislators have to fear – we re-elect them no matter what they do to us and now they are in full force to kidnap our children. “Come here my little pretty”!
Have you ever read “The State of the American Child: Securing Our Children’s Future” presented by the 111th Congress? You certainly should!
Obama’s White House contends that “studies show for every dollar we invest in early childhood education, we see a rate of return of $7 or more.” PROVE IT!
They made this statement based on the results of a Preschool in Michigan, run at a cost of $19,000 per child more than a half-century ago, and a similar program in North Carolina called the Abecedarian Early Intervention Project.
The Abecedarian Early Intervention Project was focused on “poor” children stating they are behind and less prepared than those who come from a home of greater wealth. The massive cost of this program was $13,900 per child per year. Researchers advised caution about the positive reports pointing out there were many analytical discrepancies in published reports, including unexplained changes in sample sizes between different assessments and publications.
My question is – did the Federal government pay these schools to participate in this project? It wouldn’t be the first time.
Brookings Institute found in a study that full-time pre-K in 2 states; GA and OK “have had, at best, only small impacts on later academic achievements.” In fact, Georgia elementary-school students’ test scores are mediocre, and Oklahoma test scores have been on the decline for the past decade.
Keep in mind a large majority of our children are already in Pre-K by a government forced economic system of both parents having to work to make ends meet. What isn’t in place is most of the children are not available for the clutches of the Fed’s - yet.
The “problem” isn’t most families’ lack of access to preschool. It’s Washington’s lack of access to your kids for their institutionalized warehousing, data mining, and pedagogical propaganda schemes.
Always keep this in mind – presented to be included in the Congressional Record of January 10, 1963, by then Rep. A.S. Herlong, Jr., of Florida, the official record – Current Communist Goals from the Communist Manifesto in part:
11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind.
12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teacher’s associations. Put the party-line in all textbooks.
25. Breakdown cultural standards of morality.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as normal, natural and healthy. (the NSES) do exactly that.
40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and divorce.
Having just been told by congress Obama had lost all funding of the Race To The Top scam, we now see the funding for this massive Pre-K program being put into place.
No secret now – this is just another program to replace (RTTT). The focus is just different - The Preschool Development Grants program will get $250 million for 2015. And it’s another competition pitting states against each other for approval.
Never forget the 1983 production of the Reagan Department of Education under the evil leadership of Terrell Bell producing “A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Education Reform.” Bell created the National Commission on Excellence in Education and those appointed produced A Nation at Risk.
This document produced by Reagan's "blue ribbon" education commission proposed to use schools as factories for more effectively turning Millennials - and every generation that follows - into usable raw material for corporate production.
Though filled with right-wing rhetoric in content, it reads like a Soviet proclamation on industrial production. Students are redefined as inputs in a system to maximize American corporate competitiveness, productivity and profits which is where we are today.
It does sound like todays Common Core State Standards and the communist way of life.
Dr. Shirley McCune appearing at the Kansas Governor’s Summit on Education in 1989 with Sen. Alexander stated: “…what we are into is a total restructuring of the society. What is happening in America today…is not simply a change 4 situation and the usual winds of change. What it amounts to is a total transformation of our society…The whole ball game in this particular change society is that there are only two things that really matter. One of those is the information capitol that we can put together…Secondly, to produce Human Capital…we have to prepare students not for today’s society, but for a society that’s 20, 30, 40, 50 years down the road…That’s called Social Change Function of Schools.”
And what kind of radically changed, restructured New Age society and education did Dr. McCune have in mind? In her co-authored The Light Shall Set You Free (1996), she talked about a “point of light,” and stated: “Only the souls who are ready to receive the new curriculum will elect to raise their vibrations to match those required to enter the New Age. Did you know that the animals’ souls are the souls of our future children? We are entering the Age of Aquarius…. The goal for all of humanity who will enter the new millennium is to become androgynous…. Educational systems, businesses, political structures and governments all built on self-serving principals, for example, are crumbling, only to be reborn through tremendous pain into higher forms.”
Even more frightening than what she said is the fact at the same time she was a research assistant in School-to-Work at Arizona State University, and then she became an administrative assistant to the Superintendent of Public Instruction for the State of Washington.
And you wonder how education got to where it is today!
That Dr. McCune is a New Age proponent who on November 2, 1989 had used the term “human resource development” more than once is perhaps significant in that earlier in that year, New Age networking Sen. Claiborne Pell had introduced Senate Joint Resolution 135, the “National Commission on Human Resource Development Act,” co-sponsored by Senators Al Gore and Nancy Kassebaum. The resolution was to establish the Center for Human Resource Development and spoke of the “normal aspiration of all citizens to more fully achieve their potential in body, mind and spirit…. [and] there is a role for government to assist in research and education on techniques that promote the… fuller realization of human potential.” Testifying for the measure was Dr. Herbert Benson of Harvard Medical School, who explained the “relaxation response” as experienced by those who practice Zen, Yoga and Transcendental Meditation. The resolution probably would have passed the Senate except that Senator Dan Coates (R) put a “hold” on it and it died. Similar bills – you will be amazed!
In case some of you weren’t old enough to realize it in 1989, Newsweek magazine referred to Bill Clinton as the “New Age President,” and the “Renaissance Weekend” he had attended for years was referred to by The New York Times as a “New Age Retreat.” He was also at this 1989 Summit.
Interestingly Sen. Lamar Alexander stated at the same 1989 Summit: “The New American School would probably start with babies and go through the eighth grade. It would be all year long. It would be open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Every child would have his or her own computer and work-station. Every child would have a team of teachers that would stay with that child until graduation. These schools would ‘serve children from age three months old to age 18' and they would serve as a 'one-stop shopping' center for welfare services ranging from family planning, health care, and other social services. Legislation should 'assure that all women have access to affordable, high quality parental care and that all infants and children have access to affordable, high quality comprehensive health care'".
The New American Schools Development Corporation’s radical design teams have been selected to “break the mold” away from basic-traditional education in order to train (not educate) children for the global workforce. Privatizing education through Charter Schools allows these radical design teams and other private entities such as The Edison Project (Jeb Bush’s buddy) to rob American citizens of their own tax-supported schools. This plan is being supported by both the right and the left-wing political groups who appear to have met in the radical mid-center on education, social control and a global economy.
Education has now been changed forever:
• Purpose of Education was to transform society from individualism to collectivism
• Fact based education is no longer the primary focus of education
• Students are to be considered as HUMAN CAPITAL and education’s purpose is to train student’s to work
So to fall in line with the dreams of Sen. Alexander we now have ‘The SEED Foundation’ along with SEED charter schools are emerging. How are they different?
It is a college-prep, public boarding Charter school providing a 24-hour-a-day, five-day-a-week learning environment for underserved students from sixth through twelfth grade in Miami-Dade, FL. Founder’s Rajiv Vinnakota and Eric Elder are recipients of Oprah Winfrey’s Angel Network’s Use Your Life Award. That in its self should give any parent a warm and fuzzy feeling. Go here to see where all the money is coming from to support this foundation. (pages 18-21) That is certainly a lot of support.
Does anyone know the definition of an underserved student? Once again all other students are left out of the equation whether it is a good program or not. This educational society is continually putting barriers up and causing division between what they call underserved or lower income and the rest of the American students.
Aren’t you at least a little curious as to why there is so much attention to our babies? Don’t you feel like you have lost control over your own family?
In Nov., 2014, Obama signed into law a bipartisan bill to improve the quality of federally subsidized child care provided by the Child Care and Development Block Grant. The bill sets stronger health and safety standards for subsidized care, makes it easier for parents to find and keep quality child care, and takes steps to improve the quality of child care so that children get quality early childhood development services. Sounds wonderful until you realize your children are under the control of the Fed’s.
A national poll released by the First Five Years Fund earlier this year found 71 percent of voters, including 60 percent of Republicans, support greater federal investments and involvement in early childhood education.
Is this true voting Republicans?
The problem I have with the First Five Years Fund is they state they are “bipartisan, however they don’t state who they are, who sits on their board of directors or how they receive their funding. The web site mission: Our mission is to create a smarter, stronger, healthier, and more productive America through early childhood education for disadvantaged children through bi-partisan federal advocacy.
What is the deal that every program, grant, voucher, charter school, or scholarship program is being geared to low-income or disadvantaged children? Is it that they will fall in line quicker? Are more vulnerable? More easily indoctrinated? Aren’t the rest of the children in this country worth all of these tax dollars being spent on them through public education, especially when in the final assessment it is all indoctrinating our children?
Monday, 2 March 2015
By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
March 2, 2015
There is a great controversy today over the current educational reform movement known as Common Core (CC). Many people have offered specific criticisms of the movement, but they generally look at CC in isolation. However, it is important to understand the back ground of CC, and a good starting point for that begins with the Illuminati, which began on May 1, 1776.
The fundamental purpose of the Illuminati was to do away with existing authority (e.g., monarchical, religious, etc.) and adopt the principle of its founder, Adam Weishaupt, which was that they, the Illuminati or Enlightened, knew what was best for people. The leaders of CC today also believe they know, even better than parents, what is best in education for children in the United States.
Thursday, 19 February 2015
"Little of what merits the name of “education” goes on in our schools. Some subjects have been discarded: grammar, for instance, as a coherent and systematic whole. Our approach to education springs from a truncated view of man. It is dully utilitarian in its aims, which it nevertheless fails to meet. It fixes a low ceiling over the mind and heart and soul. It begins by denying God, by whom and for whom we are made, and proceeds to deny the objective existence of beauty and goodness, until at last all that’s left are the shreds of learning, political expediency, and the fads of the day." (Yes! this includes current trends in Catholic schools! Keep reading.)
"Our schools are Petri dishes of vice: impiety, lust, spiritual sloth, ambition, and avarice...There’s no reason why parents should send their children to schools that sprinkle holy water upon the mind-deadening and soul-denying education provided in the public schools. If your child is going to be separated from faith and reason, you might as well purchase the ruin on the cheap.
But they might well send their children to schools that are wholly different from the public schools. That single descriptor, “classical,” will attract their notice. If our Catholic schools are not classical, it’s high time they considered becoming so, and advertising themselves as such while they embark upon the reforms.
Teach grammar as the logic of language, not a grab-bag of arbitrary usages. Read Homer and Virgil. Learn poetry—the most sublime of human arts, now almost vanished from the public schools. Reject Common Core and its useless utilitarianism, root and branch. Return geography to its rightful place in the elementary grades, as a separate subject from history. Return to world history, taught as an intricate whole; not ancient Egypt here and the Civil War there. Return to Latin. Return to reading important works in foreign languages: teach Spanish so that students can read Don Quixote, not just so that they can order tacos in Tijuana. Return to the titans of British and American literature.
Make the practice and the truths of the faith permeate all subjects; let it be the air the students breathe. This cannot be, if they use the same dreadful textbooks the public students use. Establish a fund whereby a Catholic family can pledge to buy textbooks for one student in a classical Catholic school every year.
If you do not have the teachers who can teach a classical curriculum, begin to find them. I know of plenty.
Anthony Esolen, Crisis
Tuesday, 17 February 2015
A Governor for Public Prayer and Education Reform!
Governor Jindal Unveiled A K-12 Education Reform Policy Proposal Aimed At Scaling Back The Federal Government's Role In Education And Increasing Parental Choice. Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is in Washington Monday to unveil a series of education reforms as part of his 2016 presidential preparations. But his proposals call for scaling back Washington's role in education while promoting increased parental choice for children's schools, better measures to assess teacher performance, and more autonomy for individual schools over their own operations. … "The federal government should absolutely not be offering incentives, mandates, or coercecing states to adopt a national curriculum—whether it's Common Core or the next iteration of it," Jindal said. "We don't think curriculum decisions should be made at the national level. I'm all for rigor, I'm all for standards, but ultimately, I trust parents. I trust choice and competition. I don't want a top-down, one-size-fits-all approach." To that end, Jindal said he favors rolling back the mandates in George W. Bush's No Child Left Behind law.
Common Core Creates Chaos!
Why is no one listening to the parents? Now, the teachers are shaking off the brainwashing that they received when Common Core was implemented because they realize that this method of teaching is a travesty meant to crush the free spirits of children, to make them feel stupid and incapable of learning. When seniors in high school can't tell the difference between states and cities, countries and states; when they can't spell ordinary, everyday words; when they can't work simple math problems, someone should get the message out! OBAMACORE is incapacitating kids! Parents, how long will you put up with this detriment to your own children just because it is free? Keep them out of school for a year. Give them a break from the madness. You take a break from the madness. Public school and any other school that has implemented Common Core is killing our children and the future of this country!
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