I sit in awe as I watch the befuddled clowns of congress usher in THE PLAN of the elite progressives. The news media just rattles on incessantly back and forth. Even the truth tellers of Fox are being sucked down the socialist tubes. Foolsschool (the forced schooling arm of our federal government)and the 12 years in the halls and cells of indoctrination have finally succeeded in reducing Americans to lumps of clay ready to follow the talking heads of doom! There are really very few left who see what is really happening to our country. Stop scratching your heads folks, it's a done deal. If you would like answers as to how to survive the coming bankruptcy of our country and its slide into oblivion please read my new book, THE PLAN: WIPE OUT CHRISTIANITY IN AMERICA! In it you will find practical, workable answers to the confusion we are about to face. The deception we are fighting is revealed in a powerful, lifechanging account of what you and I can DO! Available at
Calling for complete end to compulsory education. Public school is so bad it should not even be an ELECTIVE!
Monday, 21 December 2009
Friday, 11 December 2009
Public Schools - Govt. Pulpits!
Public Schools are now, and have been for years, nothing more than government pulpits for training a majority populace to walk the progressive, socialist, facist, communist gang plank! And what does our government have when they finish training us up in the way that they want us to go? AUTOMATONS that will walk the 'gimme- gimme' walk, talk their global talk, and, more importantly VOTE for the new and changed American society.
When we have spent 12 years in the halls and cells of indoctrination and been brainwashed with useless subjects we are ripe for voting the 'right' way in the totalitarian regime. Then when those of us who have survived the pitiful beatdown of highschool, go on to 4 to 10 years of more useless, time consuming bunny paths, we are the proud owners of pieces of paper that might land us a job in the new massive, socialist regime - or NOT! However, the piece of paper does represent something - many hours and grande sums of money poured into the coffers of government controlled higher education. More money and time spent on witless subjects that have absolutely nothing to do with our new line of work, will never be used again, but are required(must have) hours in order to get our piece of paper. How proud we have been trained to be of our pieces of paper! We are proud right? We are such good 'subjects' of the ruling class that controls America!
Wake up America! The indoctrination starts in pre-school! Is this what you want for your children and your grandchildren?
When we have spent 12 years in the halls and cells of indoctrination and been brainwashed with useless subjects we are ripe for voting the 'right' way in the totalitarian regime. Then when those of us who have survived the pitiful beatdown of highschool, go on to 4 to 10 years of more useless, time consuming bunny paths, we are the proud owners of pieces of paper that might land us a job in the new massive, socialist regime - or NOT! However, the piece of paper does represent something - many hours and grande sums of money poured into the coffers of government controlled higher education. More money and time spent on witless subjects that have absolutely nothing to do with our new line of work, will never be used again, but are required(must have) hours in order to get our piece of paper. How proud we have been trained to be of our pieces of paper! We are proud right? We are such good 'subjects' of the ruling class that controls America!
Wake up America! The indoctrination starts in pre-school! Is this what you want for your children and your grandchildren?
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
National School Boycott
The teachers have done it. Workers have done it. A National School Boycott day, even month, would speak volumes to our federal government about the pitiful decline in academics as well as moral values in our school system! Let the teachers come to work and stare at empty classrooms for a while and maybe they will join the boycott. A mass walkout is the only way to wake this nation up to the reality of a failed government socialist experiment. The public school system is in need of a complete remaking. We do not need reform, better policies, new rules or any other bandaid put on a rotting, festering sore. So many American parents are still fooled by the wonderful, babysitting facade that the government has propagandized. But thankfully, many parents have pulled back the false front to see the seething mess beneath.
America needs a brand new public education system designed to compete with the rest of the world. We no longer offer first class education and no matter what you hear on TV, we no longer offer the best college educations. We need to open education in a completely new paradigm with academics as the core rather than social justice. Higher education must become more focused on the choice of career and the time needed to reach the end result, rather than so much play time and elective time. Doctors are needed now, not 10 years from now. Who were the first doctors in our country? Moms! Indians! Herbalists! Then came real(?) knowledge? Not immediately – first there were actually apprentices. I would rather have a surgeon with no degree that has worked closely under the supervision of a seasoned expert than a brand new surgeon just out of today’s med schools. He’s probably had more courses in patient psychology than actual hands-on experience operating on people.
We now have a National Day of Prayer, we need a National Day of Stay at Home From School! Students, as proven by the grand success of home-schooled students, learn more at home than they do in today’s public sex pits – I mean public schools! What can you do to help your children? Keep them at home away from the perverted school environment!
America needs a brand new public education system designed to compete with the rest of the world. We no longer offer first class education and no matter what you hear on TV, we no longer offer the best college educations. We need to open education in a completely new paradigm with academics as the core rather than social justice. Higher education must become more focused on the choice of career and the time needed to reach the end result, rather than so much play time and elective time. Doctors are needed now, not 10 years from now. Who were the first doctors in our country? Moms! Indians! Herbalists! Then came real(?) knowledge? Not immediately – first there were actually apprentices. I would rather have a surgeon with no degree that has worked closely under the supervision of a seasoned expert than a brand new surgeon just out of today’s med schools. He’s probably had more courses in patient psychology than actual hands-on experience operating on people.
We now have a National Day of Prayer, we need a National Day of Stay at Home From School! Students, as proven by the grand success of home-schooled students, learn more at home than they do in today’s public sex pits – I mean public schools! What can you do to help your children? Keep them at home away from the perverted school environment!
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Voice From Our Mother Country
Thatcher's America
American Minute
October 13, 2009
While traveling through New York City in 1996, Margaret Thatcher, the first woman Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, when interviewed, stated: "The Ten Commandments are addressed to each and every person. This is the origin of our common humanity and of the sanctity of the individual. Each one has a duty to try to carry out those commandments. You don't get that in any other political creed...It is personal liberty with personal responsibility." Margaret Thatcher continued: "Responsibility to your parents, to your children, to your God. This really binds us together in a way that nothing else does. If you accept freedom, you've got to have principles about the responsibility. You can't do this without a biblical foundation." Thatcher on America: "Your Founding Fathers came over with that. They came over with the doctrines of the New Testament as well as the Old. They looked after one another, not only as a matter of necessity, but as a matter of duty to their God. There is no other country in the world which started that way."
What has clouded our minds and clogged our valves so that we can't or won't listen to such words of wisdom. If we don't we may not have a free country much longer.
American Minute
October 13, 2009
While traveling through New York City in 1996, Margaret Thatcher, the first woman Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, when interviewed, stated: "The Ten Commandments are addressed to each and every person. This is the origin of our common humanity and of the sanctity of the individual. Each one has a duty to try to carry out those commandments. You don't get that in any other political creed...It is personal liberty with personal responsibility." Margaret Thatcher continued: "Responsibility to your parents, to your children, to your God. This really binds us together in a way that nothing else does. If you accept freedom, you've got to have principles about the responsibility. You can't do this without a biblical foundation." Thatcher on America: "Your Founding Fathers came over with that. They came over with the doctrines of the New Testament as well as the Old. They looked after one another, not only as a matter of necessity, but as a matter of duty to their God. There is no other country in the world which started that way."
What has clouded our minds and clogged our valves so that we can't or won't listen to such words of wisdom. If we don't we may not have a free country much longer.
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Chants of praise and homage to our president, miserably failing schools, crooked and perverse state and federal leadership, banning of Jesus' name being on any ornaments made for the capitol Christmas tree this year (09), the establishment of a new Muslim college here in America that will teach the truths(?) of their faith, government run healthcare, government run car companies, government run banks, government run student loans all should be saying something to stupid Americans! You are being taken for a ride, sucked in to the propaganda and hype, and you are primed and ready for a fundamental takeover. If we don't stand up now, our children won't have a United States of America to enjoy. We will either be dictatorially ruled or we will live in a completely Godless society. Our epitaph won't even read, "They fought bravely", it will read, "They gave up"! Won't God be proud of us?
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Please follow this link to some eye-opening info on current indoctrination of children. Enjoy.
Thursday, 6 August 2009
PUBLIC SCHOOL should be renamed to reveal its real purpose. It should be called the U.S. School of Indoctrination - in socialist agendas, of course. Kids gobble up propaganda especially if they are encouraged to disregard their parent's old-fashioned ways in the process. Twelve years of course work are required whereupon you will be issued a S.A.C. - Socialist Agenda Certificate. You can then take the S.A.P. test for college entry level and more advanced training in community control and promotion of leftist ideology. S.A.P. stands for Socialist Agenda Priorities. If you pass this test you will garner the privilege of being subjected to many more highly trained, left-leaning professors who will groom you to work for the government a minimum of ten years, at which time you should be fully indoctrinated to the modern ways of socialized everything, thus you will always vote for the socialist ticket! How do you think OBAMA got elected? Oh, and if you fail the S.A.P. you will be kicked down to socialist vocational schools so you will at least become useful to the "New Global Socialist Society", a veritable 'utopia' of government bailouts and handouts!
Friday, 17 July 2009
The Amazing American Gullibility
I sit in awe during the daily news at the utter gullibility of the American people, their desire to follow instead of lead and their faith in handsome charismatic leaders! Ducklings in complete obeisance. Even the talking heads do not realize why America is in the utter chaos and near collapse that it is encountering. Two words come to mind - PUBLIC SCHOOL! The controling, mind mesmerizing, training arm of our own government.
Here are two quotes from way back at the beginning of the 20th century. These excerpts are taken from Charlotte Iserbyt's work "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America". She served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education. She is also a former school board member. (first printed in Young Parents Alert, Lake Elmo, Mich.) O. A. Nelson relates about a meeting of members of the council on Foreign Relations held in December 1928. "The sole work of the group was to destroy our schools! We spent one hour and forty five minutes discussing the so-called Modern Math. At one point I objected bacuse there was too much memory work, and math is reasoning; not memory. Dr. Zeigler turned to me and said, "Nelson, wake up! That is what we want...a math that the pupils cannot apply to life situations when they get out of school!"
The second quote is by William Z. Foster in his 1932 work "Toward A Soviet America" (Elgin Enterprises, Inc. Los Angeles). "His book called for a U.S. Department of Education; implementation of a scientific materialist philosophy; studies revolutionized, being cleansed of religious, patriotic and other features of the bourgeois ideology; students taught on the basis of Marxian dialectical materialism and general ethics of a new socialist society; present obsolete methods of teaching will be superseded by a scientific pedagogy. The whole basis and organization of captialist science will be revolutionized. Science will become materialistic, hence truly scientific. God will be banished from the laboratories as well as from schools. [Ed.Note: Everything called for by Foster has taken place.]
Hmmmm! 1928, 1932, Sounds like all of this has been in the works for a long time! We are not anything in American unless we are materialistic! Children continuously trained to be materialistic, ravenous consumers! Children trained to have no clue what they want to do with their life upon graduation! Children trained to be obedient to handsome charismatic leaders. Children trained to be promiscuous and experimental in their morality. Children trained to listen to the masses rather than their parents! All in the prison-like halls and cells of our American(?) public schools. Generation after generation since the beginning of the 1900's until now. We are burdened with a brainwashed society following the immoral masters in D.C. with only a very few "squawkers" along the way - and soon they will be silenced as well.
Is it too late to turn back the tide? I think so!
Here are two quotes from way back at the beginning of the 20th century. These excerpts are taken from Charlotte Iserbyt's work "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America". She served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education. She is also a former school board member. (first printed in Young Parents Alert, Lake Elmo, Mich.) O. A. Nelson relates about a meeting of members of the council on Foreign Relations held in December 1928. "The sole work of the group was to destroy our schools! We spent one hour and forty five minutes discussing the so-called Modern Math. At one point I objected bacuse there was too much memory work, and math is reasoning; not memory. Dr. Zeigler turned to me and said, "Nelson, wake up! That is what we want...a math that the pupils cannot apply to life situations when they get out of school!"
The second quote is by William Z. Foster in his 1932 work "Toward A Soviet America" (Elgin Enterprises, Inc. Los Angeles). "His book called for a U.S. Department of Education; implementation of a scientific materialist philosophy; studies revolutionized, being cleansed of religious, patriotic and other features of the bourgeois ideology; students taught on the basis of Marxian dialectical materialism and general ethics of a new socialist society; present obsolete methods of teaching will be superseded by a scientific pedagogy. The whole basis and organization of captialist science will be revolutionized. Science will become materialistic, hence truly scientific. God will be banished from the laboratories as well as from schools. [Ed.Note: Everything called for by Foster has taken place.]
Hmmmm! 1928, 1932, Sounds like all of this has been in the works for a long time! We are not anything in American unless we are materialistic! Children continuously trained to be materialistic, ravenous consumers! Children trained to have no clue what they want to do with their life upon graduation! Children trained to be obedient to handsome charismatic leaders. Children trained to be promiscuous and experimental in their morality. Children trained to listen to the masses rather than their parents! All in the prison-like halls and cells of our American(?) public schools. Generation after generation since the beginning of the 1900's until now. We are burdened with a brainwashed society following the immoral masters in D.C. with only a very few "squawkers" along the way - and soon they will be silenced as well.
Is it too late to turn back the tide? I think so!
public school
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
New Book Coming Soon
I am putting the final finishing touches on a new book entitled THE PLAN: WIPE OUT CHRISTIANITY IN AMERICA! It gives you a virtual tour of the slide downward of morality in this country and the reasons why. It warns of the biggest deception in history that many have already succumbed to. This book will give practical advice on avoiding this looming crisis and ways to pursue a kind of individual happiness that you may never have experienced. Final touches should be done this week and then it is off to the publisher's copyediting department. If all goes well we should be published in about 4 months. It is a short book, an easy read and contains an important message for every age.
Work will soon start on the next book which will deal with the education crisis in our country and the coming collapse of the system, barring any bailouts by the federal government. Education, as we know it today, is on its way to extinction.
Work will soon start on the next book which will deal with the education crisis in our country and the coming collapse of the system, barring any bailouts by the federal government. Education, as we know it today, is on its way to extinction.
Sunday, 24 May 2009
Link for May Blog
We have been plodding down the road to Socialism for a long, long time, but now we are FLYING. We Are In It! Protect your children while you still can. Read this article to see what is happening in our country right NOW!
Friday, 15 May 2009
MAY BLOG: I have heard this comment more than once in my promotion of quality education: 'Why should I have to pay for an education for my kids when the government provides it for free?' or 'Public school was good enough for me so why should I have to pay for private school for my kids?'. I have answered that question many times on the http://www.lakewoodkids.org website and in my blogs, but it still amazes me to hear it from the lips of loving parents, good parents. The question that I have is this; "What VALUE is there in what is offered as free?" Just because something is masked as being free doesn't mean that it is the best for us or that it is really free from expense. Many of us choose to wear Nike's rather than the dollar store brand of shoes. We choose to wear the current fad of clothing rather than 'free' or inexpensive clothing from the local shelter. We choose to pay hundreds of dollars a month for the coolest and classiest automobiles rather than the small, cramped, and uncomfortable service vehicles. But when it comes to the beautiful, innocent, minds of our children, we settle for FREE without really knowing the content of what they are being taught or who they are being taught by or if they are being nurtured in a wholesome environment.
So, with all of that considered, here is why you should PAY for your children to get a real education in a caring environment. Because they are your children and they are precious to you. Because you want to provide the best for them. Because you want them to have the things and the opportunities that you didn't have. Because you want them to succeed in college and their future careers. Because you love them more than life itself! You get what you pay for. If it's free there is no guarantee that it will be valuable to you or to your children. Two of the top students, graduating this year at a local high school, told me that they consider their time spent in high school as a colossal waste of their time. These are students at the top of their class with numerous honors, yet they place no value on the time spent earning those honors. How sad. How sad that they had to endure the drama of everyday existence in such a risky environment for so many years. How much better prepared could they have been for the new life that is facing them, if they had not had to deal with all that drama and temptation and superficial, so-called education?
Please read some of my other blogs for research results on what is really going on in our public school systems and how it is even bleeding over into Catholic education.
So, with all of that considered, here is why you should PAY for your children to get a real education in a caring environment. Because they are your children and they are precious to you. Because you want to provide the best for them. Because you want them to have the things and the opportunities that you didn't have. Because you want them to succeed in college and their future careers. Because you love them more than life itself! You get what you pay for. If it's free there is no guarantee that it will be valuable to you or to your children. Two of the top students, graduating this year at a local high school, told me that they consider their time spent in high school as a colossal waste of their time. These are students at the top of their class with numerous honors, yet they place no value on the time spent earning those honors. How sad. How sad that they had to endure the drama of everyday existence in such a risky environment for so many years. How much better prepared could they have been for the new life that is facing them, if they had not had to deal with all that drama and temptation and superficial, so-called education?
Please read some of my other blogs for research results on what is really going on in our public school systems and how it is even bleeding over into Catholic education.
Tuesday, 31 March 2009
You know, no matter how much research into public schooling that I do, I keep finding ever more shocking data. To think that when I was in school in the 50's and 60's this plot for the minds of the masses had already begun is frightening. It is even more frightening in light of the new president's current grab for power. It is the biggest transfer of power in the history of our country. It is the biggest expenditure of our tax dollars in the combined history of all of our presidents. All this is going on while we stand idly by with our mouths open in disbelief - but saying nothing to stop the wreckless spending. More money for our failing education system, he says, while he sends his kids to a private school.
I have included a quote from a new book by John Gatto called Weapons of Mass Instruction. Although he is a faint voice crying futily in the wilderness his words confirm stacks of other research I have done on our public schooling over the last ten years. "We don't need Karl Marx's conception of a grand warfare between the classes to see that it is in the interest of complex management, economic or political, to dumb people down, to demoralize them, to divide them from one another, and to discard them if they don't conform.........But mass production required required mass consumption, and at the turn of the twentieth century most Americans considered it both unnatural and unwise to buy things they didn't actually need. Mandatory schooling was a godsend on that count. School didn't have to train kids in any direct sense to think they should consume nonstop, because it did something better: it encouraged them not to think at all. And that left them sitting ducks for another great invention of the modern era - marketing."
"Maturity has by now been banished from nearly every aspect of our lives. Easy divorce laws have removed the need to work at relationships; easy credit has removed the need for fiscal self-control; easy entertainment has removed the need to learn to entertain one's self; easy answers have removed the need to ask questions. We have become a nation of children, happy to surrender our judgments and our wills to political exhortations and commercial blandishments that would insult actual adults. We buy televisions, and then we buy the things we see on television. We buy $150 sneakers whether we need them or not, and when they fall apart too soon we buy another...."
"Schools train children to be employees and consumers; teach your own to be leaders and adventurers. School trains children to obey reflexively; teach your own to think critically and independently. Well-schooled kids have a low threshold for boredom; help your own to develop an inner life so that they'll never be bored. Urge them to take on the serious material, the grown-up material, in history, literature, philosophy, music art, economics, theology - all the stuff school teachers know well enough to avoid. Challenge your kids with plenty of solitude so that they can learn to enjoy their own company, to conduct inner dialogues. Well-schooled people are conditioned to dread being alone; they seek constant companionship through the TV, the computer, the cell phone, and through shallow friendships quickly acquired, quickly abandoned. Your children should have a more important life, and they can."
First, though,wake up to what our schools really are: laboratories of experimentation on young minds, drill centers for the habits and attitudes that corporate society demands. Mandatory education serves children only incidentally; its real purpose is to turn them into servants. Don't let your own have their childhoods extended, not even for a day."
Quite a mouthful, but according to every document that I have combed, all the way up to and through the federal Department of Education and their secret societies, every word is TRUE! It would be worth the time and money for every parent to purchase a copy of this new work by Mr. Gatto. Excellent insight.
I have included a quote from a new book by John Gatto called Weapons of Mass Instruction. Although he is a faint voice crying futily in the wilderness his words confirm stacks of other research I have done on our public schooling over the last ten years. "We don't need Karl Marx's conception of a grand warfare between the classes to see that it is in the interest of complex management, economic or political, to dumb people down, to demoralize them, to divide them from one another, and to discard them if they don't conform.........But mass production required required mass consumption, and at the turn of the twentieth century most Americans considered it both unnatural and unwise to buy things they didn't actually need. Mandatory schooling was a godsend on that count. School didn't have to train kids in any direct sense to think they should consume nonstop, because it did something better: it encouraged them not to think at all. And that left them sitting ducks for another great invention of the modern era - marketing."
"Maturity has by now been banished from nearly every aspect of our lives. Easy divorce laws have removed the need to work at relationships; easy credit has removed the need for fiscal self-control; easy entertainment has removed the need to learn to entertain one's self; easy answers have removed the need to ask questions. We have become a nation of children, happy to surrender our judgments and our wills to political exhortations and commercial blandishments that would insult actual adults. We buy televisions, and then we buy the things we see on television. We buy $150 sneakers whether we need them or not, and when they fall apart too soon we buy another...."
"Schools train children to be employees and consumers; teach your own to be leaders and adventurers. School trains children to obey reflexively; teach your own to think critically and independently. Well-schooled kids have a low threshold for boredom; help your own to develop an inner life so that they'll never be bored. Urge them to take on the serious material, the grown-up material, in history, literature, philosophy, music art, economics, theology - all the stuff school teachers know well enough to avoid. Challenge your kids with plenty of solitude so that they can learn to enjoy their own company, to conduct inner dialogues. Well-schooled people are conditioned to dread being alone; they seek constant companionship through the TV, the computer, the cell phone, and through shallow friendships quickly acquired, quickly abandoned. Your children should have a more important life, and they can."
First, though,wake up to what our schools really are: laboratories of experimentation on young minds, drill centers for the habits and attitudes that corporate society demands. Mandatory education serves children only incidentally; its real purpose is to turn them into servants. Don't let your own have their childhoods extended, not even for a day."
Quite a mouthful, but according to every document that I have combed, all the way up to and through the federal Department of Education and their secret societies, every word is TRUE! It would be worth the time and money for every parent to purchase a copy of this new work by Mr. Gatto. Excellent insight.
Friday, 6 March 2009
So-called school that is! Do you ever wonder why we don't have more 17, 18 and 19 year old leaders speaking out on the issues of our day? I don't mean sports leaders, they're a dime a dozen. Not too smart as I see it either, because they have to get what little brains they have knocked out to be considered a leader. The answer is that this age group has been IMBECILEZED and DEMORALIZED by America's public school system. Parents and kids alike have been deceived and suckered into a vacuous self-centered culture of gargantuan proportions. This lavish self love is promoted vigorously in our public school system and, sad to say, in other school systems. The answer you've been waiting for is this: REMOVE yourself or your children from school. Whether you think you have the money or the intellect is not nearly as important as rescuing them from the hands of the designers of education. In just 2 years of highschool your children's mindset, morality, and values can be completely sabotaged as well as their common sense skills. In school they are encouraged to turn on their parents, to belittle their parents, and to glorify themselves and their views - all in the first two years of highschool. Imagine what happens in four years! http://www.exodusmandate.org has some answers. In some of the past blogs on this site there are answers as to how you can rescue your children even if you don't have the money to put them in a private school. Get them out now even if you didn't graduate from highschool yourself. I promise you, you will never be sorry. Get them away from vicious organized sports. Get them away from mentally perverted teachers. Get them away from wasteful activities and forced assemblies. Get them out of the Godless public school system, before they think that they can do without God and be better off. They would be better off with sitting at home reading books and drawing than the danger they are in where they are going to school.
If this sounds troublesome and even unbelievable then stop and look around. Listen to the insolence of today's teens. Look at the vacant looks in their eyes. See how tired they always are. Listen to how they talk of being so bored. Listen to their language. Listen to their grammar. Listen to them read. See how long they pay attention to what you say. See if they can remember at least three things you tell them to do without coming back and saying, "What else did you tell me to do?" Their memories are shot - gone - IMBECILIZED - deadened by today's lush gimme, gimme, gimme mindset that they are taught in school, and on dirt TV. If you don't GET OUT, or get your kids OUT, then you will be the one to suffer the consequences, as many parents already have.
If this sounds troublesome and even unbelievable then stop and look around. Listen to the insolence of today's teens. Look at the vacant looks in their eyes. See how tired they always are. Listen to how they talk of being so bored. Listen to their language. Listen to their grammar. Listen to them read. See how long they pay attention to what you say. See if they can remember at least three things you tell them to do without coming back and saying, "What else did you tell me to do?" Their memories are shot - gone - IMBECILIZED - deadened by today's lush gimme, gimme, gimme mindset that they are taught in school, and on dirt TV. If you don't GET OUT, or get your kids OUT, then you will be the one to suffer the consequences, as many parents already have.
Thursday, 5 February 2009
The Cat's In The Henhouse
You know that I really love black people. Some of the nicest people that I know are black. I also really love children! This is the reason that I teach. I also love live embryo children no matter what their color and it makes me furious to hear that our new president has already rescinded the policy that protects them from murder, called the Mexico City policy. Check it out for yourself. It didn't take him long to set himself up in the place of God (much like Clinton did) and decide when life begins and when it's okay to end it. This is only the tip of the iceberg and many Americans will soon be shocked at the shell of a nation that we will become.
Now back to continuing the last blog - the deception that our public school students must endure everyday that school is in session. I owe the desire of Americans to have government in major control their lives in return for free food and drugs and jobs and whatever else they want, to the condition of the American Public School system and the daily socialist indoctrination they pour into our children. The election of Barak Obama is proof that this indoctrination is working. The moral failure of America is also proof. Here are just a few examples of the students that I dig out of the cracks in public school. Student after student coming into our school cannot perform on grade level. They are from three to six years behind. We get high school seniors that can only function at 4th and 5th grade levels - yet they were on the honor roll in public school. Is that deception or what? Then there are those that have just been dumped in resource classes in 4th grade year after year because they can't pass the national 4th grade test!
So what is the answer? Does Obama hold the key? I think the only key he holds is the key to completely bankrupt our nation. He can't wait to pour more money down a broken system. He promises change just like public school administrators have been doing for years. There is another new fix proposed for this year. Guess what? It's not working. We'll just have to buy them bigger and better presents for studying and earning good grades next year. We can't take the teachers, administrators or OBAMEEEE to court because they are in charge of the courts through their lobbyists and legislators. Are we destined to follow the pied piper all the way down? Yes, unless we stand up and speak out for the sake of our children. We shouldn't have to do what is really called for to break this cycle and wake America up, but we will have to. We have been deceived!
Stay tuned next month for the ONLY WAY OUT for today's youth!
Now back to continuing the last blog - the deception that our public school students must endure everyday that school is in session. I owe the desire of Americans to have government in major control their lives in return for free food and drugs and jobs and whatever else they want, to the condition of the American Public School system and the daily socialist indoctrination they pour into our children. The election of Barak Obama is proof that this indoctrination is working. The moral failure of America is also proof. Here are just a few examples of the students that I dig out of the cracks in public school. Student after student coming into our school cannot perform on grade level. They are from three to six years behind. We get high school seniors that can only function at 4th and 5th grade levels - yet they were on the honor roll in public school. Is that deception or what? Then there are those that have just been dumped in resource classes in 4th grade year after year because they can't pass the national 4th grade test!
So what is the answer? Does Obama hold the key? I think the only key he holds is the key to completely bankrupt our nation. He can't wait to pour more money down a broken system. He promises change just like public school administrators have been doing for years. There is another new fix proposed for this year. Guess what? It's not working. We'll just have to buy them bigger and better presents for studying and earning good grades next year. We can't take the teachers, administrators or OBAMEEEE to court because they are in charge of the courts through their lobbyists and legislators. Are we destined to follow the pied piper all the way down? Yes, unless we stand up and speak out for the sake of our children. We shouldn't have to do what is really called for to break this cycle and wake America up, but we will have to. We have been deceived!
Stay tuned next month for the ONLY WAY OUT for today's youth!
Friday, 9 January 2009
Rousing From Our Slumber
Well the new year has arrived with hopes for a better and more prosperous future for all. All, that is, except for public school students. Blah! Oh, what gloom and doom you spew, you say. With all of President Obama's paper money being put into the public school system, things have to improve. Oh, really? I say, SHOW ME THE RESULTS! As a watchdog, I will be watching closely. Many parents are looking for answers from the government. It's called accountability, but as yet there has been very little. Only futile attempts at making us believe that there are stricter accountability rules. Yet the same old tenured bad teachers are teaching the same old crap that they have been teaching for years. The only teachers who get fired are the ones with moral values, the ones who see the corruption in the system and speak out against it. Big mistake,if you want to keep your state job!
Many parents are not looking for answers at all. Many parents don't even realize that there is a problem and if they do, they have no clue as to where to go for answers. We have placed our head on the ground and let our own government trample our rights. We have allowed them to take the minds of our children captive. We go to the basis of the problem - parents and taxpayers! But are we to blame good, hardworking people for trusting in their government? We have been TRUSTING in a government that is robbing us blind and destroying our country. Surely you cannot watch even one current newscast and not realize the colossal corruption that is breeding itself in our federal government!
Our federal Department of Education is no exception. In fact it is one of the greediest arms of our government. Here is a working definition of our public school system. Public schools are profit-making, mental institutions of child abuse, indoctrinating our youth and dispensing propaganda that is spilling over into the whole world and infecting every aspect of our lives.
They do all of this with great mind numbing expertise - not in academics, but in social engineering. All the while they are selling the voters the bill of goods that every year they are seeing improvment in children's test scores, national standing, etc. Each year they(school boards) come to parents with great new programs and plans that they say will save the day. This concoction of solutions only confuses the students and aggravates the teachers who are constantly having to change their lesson plans and alter teaching techniques to include mountains of red tape and proof-work to show that they are complying with new guidelines.
We are so deceived as a people that we accept any sooth-saying, smooth-talking, politician that comes along. The recent elections prove my point. I am not saying that our new president is a bad man. However, I am saying that his public platform is immoral, socialistic, and dangerous for Americans. I hope he moves to the center. But his nefarious pre-election connections and beliefs, even though they were exposed by the national media, didn't matter to dumbed down minds. Why? Because we have been exposed to this numbing, dumbing down for so many years. Proof of this 'getting the mind field ready' starts back in the 1920's in the government's own documentation. But who cares, right? 'Send us stimulus checks and we will love you forever' is the mantra of too many Americans!
Many parents are not looking for answers at all. Many parents don't even realize that there is a problem and if they do, they have no clue as to where to go for answers. We have placed our head on the ground and let our own government trample our rights. We have allowed them to take the minds of our children captive. We go to the basis of the problem - parents and taxpayers! But are we to blame good, hardworking people for trusting in their government? We have been TRUSTING in a government that is robbing us blind and destroying our country. Surely you cannot watch even one current newscast and not realize the colossal corruption that is breeding itself in our federal government!
Our federal Department of Education is no exception. In fact it is one of the greediest arms of our government. Here is a working definition of our public school system. Public schools are profit-making, mental institutions of child abuse, indoctrinating our youth and dispensing propaganda that is spilling over into the whole world and infecting every aspect of our lives.
They do all of this with great mind numbing expertise - not in academics, but in social engineering. All the while they are selling the voters the bill of goods that every year they are seeing improvment in children's test scores, national standing, etc. Each year they(school boards) come to parents with great new programs and plans that they say will save the day. This concoction of solutions only confuses the students and aggravates the teachers who are constantly having to change their lesson plans and alter teaching techniques to include mountains of red tape and proof-work to show that they are complying with new guidelines.
We are so deceived as a people that we accept any sooth-saying, smooth-talking, politician that comes along. The recent elections prove my point. I am not saying that our new president is a bad man. However, I am saying that his public platform is immoral, socialistic, and dangerous for Americans. I hope he moves to the center. But his nefarious pre-election connections and beliefs, even though they were exposed by the national media, didn't matter to dumbed down minds. Why? Because we have been exposed to this numbing, dumbing down for so many years. Proof of this 'getting the mind field ready' starts back in the 1920's in the government's own documentation. But who cares, right? 'Send us stimulus checks and we will love you forever' is the mantra of too many Americans!
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