Friday, 28 December 2007


In the 1980's and 1990's there was a couple named David and Micki Colfax. They were both teachers and they decided to get out of the public school system and teach their own 4 children at home on their ranch. In their book, Homeschooling For Excellence, they reveal some startling information about public school. They wrote,
"The numbers are straightforward and irrefutable. The child who attends public school typically spends approximately 1100 hours a year there, but only twenty percent of these-220-are spent, as the educators say, 'on task'. Nearly 900 hours, or eighty percent, are squandered on what are essentially organizational matters."
Now transfer these figures into the early 2000's. Factor in the chaotic noise and disrespect aspects of today's classrooms. Factor in all the confusing messages of the 'new' curriculum. Here are the even more horrifying results. The child who attends public school today spends approximately 1260 hours a year there, but only about fourteen percent of these-180-are spent in concentrated learning efforts. That leaves a shocking one thousand and eighty hours, or 86 percent of their time essentially wasted.
Parents, do these figures shock you? Are you scratching your head and saying, "That's not happening in my child's school."? Well, if your child's school receives federal and state money to operate as a public school - then it IS going on in your child's school! What can you do? How can you find out? Are you willing to take a chance, just trust the government bureaucrats, and let a real education just slip out of reach for your child? Are you willing to let school nurses tell you that your child has a learning problem and place them on drugs for the rest of their school life? Stay tuned for answers on what you can do to give your child a better future! By the way three of David and Micki's children attended Harvard University!

Wednesday, 26 December 2007


Parent help is in the works right now! It is fine to reveal all of the deception in our Public School System, but once known what can parents do? We will be doing a series on things that bold, out-spoken parents can do and also things that humble, soft-spoken parents can do to rescue their children from government brain-washing. Remember, we as parents have to be debriefed too. Most of us were raised attending 12 years of public school. It's hard to think that our own government is part of the problem when they keep saying that they are trying to fix the giant broken system of forced government schooling. If you are a Christian parent the urgency is much greater. If you are not a Christian parent your children are still being short-changed and filled with diluted information. The competition is growing against Public School shenanigans and soon they will have to listen to the massive number of dissatisfied parents and students. Take heart, research, and find the answers you need to help your children. Don't settle for last best.

Sunday, 23 December 2007


Keep GOD OUT of school you say

And OUT of the public way

We live in a modern world you say

School kids don't need to pray.

You just teach them that it's okay

To be bi-sexual, tri, or gay

And don't forget condoms you say

So that it's safe for school kids to play.

Don't take drugs you tell kids today

And then you prescribe them

So the kids will behave.

I SAY if you take GOD AWAY

If you won't let us PRAY

Then there's NOTHING (0) LEFT


Please remove yourself or your kids from public school before its too late. Soon we will only see dissatisfied, restless, renegades - slaves to their own passions - living in a world that they've been told has no moral absolutes!
This was not the intent of the Government when they changed school curriculum. They just wanted to control kid's minds so they would work to elevate our global authority and economy. But, in taking GOD AWAY, this is what they have produced - a place where no one is safe anymore, including the teachers!

Sunday, 16 December 2007

SUNDAY, Breath of Fresh Air

When I gaze upon coral and purple skies
Behind which my Father lies
My breath becomes deep and slow
And in my heart I know
God is looking back at me
Through color and beauty for all to see!

Monday, 3 December 2007


DID YOU KNOW that, according to the Alliance for the Separation of School and State, The number of HOME SCHOOLED children in the United States is equivalent to all public schooled children in the following 13 states (and Washington, D.C.) COMBINED:

Alaska, Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia, Wyoming, and Washington, D.C. ?

So we are not such a small, insignificant group. We are just tired of our children getting the shaft! We are tired of teachers prescribing instead of teaching! We are tired of the deception! Public, forced, institutionalized schooling has become more of a prison full of drama and noise than a haven for decent, academic education.

Get the elephant off of your back. Get free and get a real, new/old-fashioned education!

Friday, 16 November 2007


As usual, just when the Department of Education says our schools are getting better, another study comes out to reveal the real truth. Taxpayers are tired of the propaganda, diversion, and outright lies from school administration. The study I refer to is the ACT (American College Testing) published in a recent article in major Louisiana newspapers. The conclusion is more of the same - Enrollment in almost every university in LA declined in the fall of 2006. 47% of high school students in Louisiana are NOT achieving the MINIMUM score on the test that is necessary for university enrollment. The study also reveals that only 18% of Louisiana's 2006 graduates were prepared for college Biology.

In short, if you want to have a better shot at future success, then QUIT school before they completely warp your world view. Your options are endless when you get out of jail - oops! I mean school. Home schooling (in England they call it Home Education), online education, private school, self-education, co-ops, self-sufficiency education, and on and on! I used to recommend Catholic (Parochial) schools, but, sad to say, they are now using Public School text books with a decidedly skewed global world view.

Sunday, 11 November 2007


I recently discovered (or uncovered), at a ripe old age, that my underpinnings had crumbled! This is not a sad story but the realization of true beauty and innocence. My entire belief system is being jettisoned because I have finally opened my closed mind and eyes to reality. My religion, Protestant up until 6 years ago, had been pinned on the beliefs of a crazy man whom I had never bothered to investigate. My education had been 'managed' by a covert government agenda of control and deception, which I just accepted and never bucked. My life's philosophy and methodology was a reproduction of my parents, my schooling, and my churches' carrot and stick management (with me as the jackass)! Now, I'm the manager. How do I change so many years of deception and brain washing?

1st you enter a Church where you can find the true and clear light, and the SUBSTANCE that can renew and strengthen you on a daily basis.

2nd you earn your existence by making some dent and shift in direction to help others so that they won't have to wait until they are subjectively 'old' to really SEE the purpose of their lives and how to attain their goals. You create the vehicle! Blow the dirt off the diamond! Act upon the buried questions and opinions that were there since your teenage years!

Sunday, 14 October 2007


Grades! "My kids are passing all of their subjects! I'm so proud of them,"you say. My question to you is, "How do you know that?" Surely you don't think that grades are a TRUE picture of your child's success. The gimmicks and bribes that today's teachers use to give grades is beyond belief. Let's just name a few.
1. Dropping the lowest score.
2. Dropping the two lowest scores.
3. Grading on a class curve.
4. Extra points
5. Borrowing points from a "good" student who has "extra".
6. Grade inflating
I could go on and on and on, but I don't want to bore you. Even grades on ACT scores are a bad indicator of how your child will perform in college. Why? Because all of the hard content has been removed, yet they are proclaiming that scores have never been higher. They just forgot to mention that their tests have been renormed AFTER removing all of the difficult problem solving text. This is the same tactic that licensing boards used in lowering the pass/fail level for granting teachers' certificates. They lowered them so low that they are a horrible indicator of whether someone can really teach or not!

A good indicator is how are (or did) your child perform his first year of college in math and English? Did they test out of any subjects or did they have to do remedial, non-credit work for a semester or two? (More money for the college, of course). Let your answers determine if you want to believe the school and leave your other children in public school. My advice, from current research and statistics, REMOVE them from the stagnant monopoly before they drown in a pool of educational murder!

Sunday, 7 October 2007


Goals, plans, and hopes - a thing of the past if you stay in forced government schooling. Opt out for a real education! Stay home and self educate! If you stay in school, chances are you won't even know what you want to do in life. That's the plan that the moral relativist bigots are pumping into millions of kids under the guise of creating a global workforce. You are not being educated in school; you are being programmed what to think, say, and do. You are being programmed to accept diversity, bi-sexual, transgendered, and homosexual students as "normal". Schools are hotbeds of experimentation with the shock value of homo, bi, trans! Who can shock who the most?

Unless we band together and build an army of decent, wholesome, and honest people we will be absorbed, swallowed, by the old communistic (democratic) quest for a utopian society. Students are sold other peoples thoughts and therefore, they think other peoples thoughts! Think this is not happening at your school? Well, think again - Do you have any programs, assemblies, projects, or classes that deal with "Safe Schools", HIV/AIDS Awareness, Diversity training, Anti-Bullying programs, Non-Discrimination, or Role-Playing ? This is only a partial list of the lobbying efforts that are going on in high government places.

Do you really like being a mouse in a grand experiment? Stand up and stop being manipulated! Inform your parents of what is really going on in forced K-12 jail! Check the links on the sidebar for documented TRUTH! Free yourself from the grips of bells, peer pressure, and hall passes. Unite with friends and get the word out that SELF EDUCATION (You school, home school, and unschool) is the only way to get a real education in today's world. If you can read, even a little, you can self educate. You can go to the college of your choice.

Tuesday, 2 October 2007


Often I wonder if I have done the very best I could have done for my children. I am sure these are the thoughts of many parents. It is a struggle to raise children in today's world, a good struggle, one worth doing right. But our children have been given the raw end of the stick by being forced to endure the monolithic public school system. Millions of parents are being fed bull and lies everyday. The 'System' is creeping into every part of parent's lives (yes, even the bedroom) and so many are not even aware of it. This 'System' is the largest and most effective agent for humanistic social control ever conceived! They are promoting their own religion, all in the name of one world government. If you don't believe that this is the road we are almost to the end of - then watch the news, look at your kids, and listen. Take your temp. See how the 'System' affects your life right now! Government health care, social agencies on school campus, health clinics, school socialization 'projects' and environmental 'projects', school showers for the dirty, whole child learning, parent replacement programs, parent welfare, school lunch programs, psychological counseling, bilingual Americanization classes, after care, open-up-to-your-teacher counseling, all your needs met by the 'System'! I have only scratched the surface of what is really going on inside the Public School Bureaucracy! Need I say more? Enjoy your new world!

Thursday, 27 September 2007


I just had to share with you a quote from Joel Turtel's 2005 book entitled PUBLIC SCHOOL, PUBLIC MENACE: How Public Schools Lie To Parents and Betray Our Children. I share this because I couldn't have said it better myself!

"All 50 states have compulsory attendance laws. These laws force parents to send their children to public schools if they can't afford a private school. This legislative gun at parents' heads is how public schools get their "customers", our children. Compulsory attendance laws are the main reason public schools get away with educational murder, year after year, because the schools get their students by force."

Strong words. Many parents have no idea how true these words are because they do not know the content and substance of what goes on inside the schools their children attend. You see we, parents, were educated in those schools. We were groomed and programmed to think that the government is our friend. In colonial days that may have been true, but not today. If you are drawing a check from the government, you can't even imagine the strings that are attached. They will strangle you when you least expect it. So don't sleep and take your ease. Find out the truth for yourself!

Sunday, 23 September 2007


BY MEDICATING YOU ARE ERADICATING a bright future for your children. Is there evidence that medicating won't hurt your children? Yes. But also ask yourself if those research facts could be manufactured (staged or made up, leaving out important details) by big pharmaceutical companies. There is much more evidentiary proof that medicating with schedule II narcotics, like Ritalin, amphetamines, cocaine, etc., does affect the future health of your children. I have had many parents say to me, "Well, I've read all of the things on the internet about the dangers of ADHD drugs, but the doctor said it wouldn't hurt, and I just can't handle my own child any more." Just because the doctor says it's okay, doesn't mean that it IS okay. Ask him if he can guarantee what he is telling you. Ask him if he can guarantee that while your child is being dumbed down to near stupor, that he won't develop heart trouble, or become sterile, or think suicidal thoughts, or have his growth stunted!

Does this seem like a staggering fact? (One that doctors won't tell you?) 90% of all Ritalin use is in the United States. ADHD, ADD, is either a disorder that is indigenous to the U.S. or we are being lied to. If it is just in the U.S. then why?
We live in a vacuum where the only things that we are told is what our government and the pharmaceutical lobbyists want us to hear. All else is kept quiet, secret, actually. The truth is that the U.S. is the inventor and follower of the ADD, ADHD fad. It is simply a fantasy disease with absolutely no biological basis. Don't believe the brain scan theories. They are totally unfounded, a point that you can prove yourself with a little digging.

Thursday, 20 September 2007


Who is the best guide for your children? You or their teacher? Have you been duped, consumerized, sucked in by the political hype? Teachers have been disposaled for years. After being confined for 17 years in square cells called classrooms, young men and women actually begin teaching careers! Why? The reasons vary. Probably high on the list is that it is the easiest degree to pursue. It requires taking only the easiest courses. Fast and easy - good reasons both! I'm sure I will get a lot of flack for that statement. But it was true when I went to a state teachers college in Arkansas in the 60's and it was true when I went to a state college in Louisiana in the 90's. Some teachers have short-lived aspirations of actually changing things, helping others, making a difference. Some do make a difference in individual lives, but few have any effect at all on the monolithic system of public education. They become statistics in a vast, failing, political system. They are pawns of public policy. Most of the policies and procedures are simply and undemocratically put into place to fill the coffers of large corporations. When teachers try bucking the system, they either lose their job, their position, or they are moved somewhere else.

Now this chaotic, deceitful, political system called the Department of Education has its sights set on the 0 through 4 category. Of course, this has been the plan for decades and now we are seeing it come to fruition! Soon parents will be told where to go and what to do with their(?) children. If they refuse then - no rewards, no tax breaks. Parents lives will be an open book accessed through their children at day care and at school. Some would call this an invasion of privacy but the terminology will make it seem like it's all for the good of the children. If you really believe that then you will fall prey to the DOE's plan.

Family values bashing in our society and in our school system is unconscionable! Parents are no longer considered relevant! The state must take over that role in order to "manage" society. Of course this is supposed to be for our protection and that of our children. Yet, when you read the fine print of the new Quality Rating System based on ITERS and ECERS your mouth will fall open at the audacity of the government. Their officials are assuming the parental role, plain and simple, and they have no fear of putting it in print! To go along with this plan is simply a gutless climbing in bed with the devil! Oh, I know those words curl the hair and sear the ears of many, but in 10 years, when this plan is in full force, you will witness the results, the chaos, the utter vile nature of a world where parents have no legal voice.

Don't believe it? Check the courts. Parents have been prosecuted for spanking their own children, for taking them out of public school, for over-disciplining (whose definition?), for refusing medical care, etc. Parents have already lost control. So the next step will be easy. You know the step! That of state approved medication prescriptions for ADD, ADHD, etc. without parental consent! Watch for it in school-based health centers. Are schools already giving free exams to your children in school and Headstart clinics? Parent Beware. Children will end up ever more uncontrollable, angry, and insolent in public care and therefore they will be(and are) drugged senseless. For more info check out the link in the sidebar.

Tuesday, 18 September 2007


The only way to make our public schools better is to GET OUT if you are a student or get your children out if you are a parent, before it is too late. There are currently and historically a substantial number of documents (readily obtainable) that prove that our once trusted government is using our schools to intentionally reshape our free society into a global society. Do the terms European Union, NAFTA, North American Union, ring any bells? These are only the beginning raindrops in the flood that is coming.

Check out the book by Charlotte Iserbyt mentioned in the last post - it will forever change your view of the real purpose of public school. Soon Democrat or Republican won't matter. I firmly believe that if you can't homeschool for some reason or if you can't afford private school, then your kids would be better off at Grammie's house (or sis, bro., or friends). Send them with a couple of good, educational books for down time and let them learn to help around the house, yard, with the laundry, etc. Not only would they be better off but they are sure to learn more than they are learning in public school! And if they are going to be religiously indoctrinated, at least it will be to your own family religion, instead of humanism, relativism, new age, witchcraft, and on and on. Your children are sitting ducks, guinea pigs in public school classrooms. You don't even know who they are at the mercy of.

The system is intentionally breaking down, drugging, the intellectual potential in your children. They are being worn down until finally they will just give in and go with the flow, however perverted the flow is. Forced public schooling is detrimental to children's mental and sometimes physical health. What a waste of energetic, formative, and tender years. Again I warn - GET THEM OUT - before the boredom and dumbing down consumes them, before the drugs are mandated, before the testing fails them, before the labels are permanently seared into your children's brain, before they have to sell their soul just to survive.

If the government loses enough dollar signs, which is exactly how they look at each child, then, and only then will they begin to listen.

Wednesday, 12 September 2007


I just have to share this quote from Charlotte Iserbyt(former DOE employee turned whistleblower). If you listen to your senators and representatives, they seem to be parroting this governmentspeak. Actual govt. documents, readily available, set forth the six real reasons for forced public schooling. Quoted from Charlotte Iserbyt's, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America".

1. to use the schools to change America from a free, individual nation to a socialist, global "state," just one of many socialist states which will be subservient to the United Nations Charter, not the United States Constitution

2. to brainwash our children, starting at birth, to reject individualism in favor of collectivism

3. to reject high academic standards in favor of OBE/ISO 1400/9000 egalitarianism

4. to reject truth and absolutes in favor of tolerance, situational ethics and consensus

5. to reject American values in favor of internationalist values (globalism)

6. to reject freedom to choose one's career in favor of the totalitarian K-12 school-to-work/OBE (Outcome Based Education) process, aptly named "limited learning for lifelong labor," coordinated through United Nation's Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.

So robotize all our children, drug them, keep them just dumb enough so that they will have to work all of their lives for the direct or indirect benefit of big corporations. The puzzle pieces begin to fit together. This is what this country has become even if it didn't start out that way.

Saturday, 8 September 2007


The U.S. Public School system is fast becoming known as the U.S. Compulsory Public Drug Cartel. No kidding. The public school 'fat kats' in Washington promote Dare programs all over the country which are nothing more than a facade to hide the millions of psychotropic drug prescriptions that their teachers and principals advise every year to poor parents who have no clue what is really going on. All they know is that Johnny can't read and is always getting in trouble. So they listen to the 'experts'(huh?)(I call them 'pushers'). The poor kids are getting pills to help them sleep (knock 'em out) better, pills to help them focus (keep still and quiet so the teacher can text her husband), and pills to improve their ?reading? Who profits? The U.S. Compulsory Public Drug Cartel and the local jails. Oh, and the Pharmaceutical Corporations make big bucks. Bin Laden is right, the big corporations DO run our country, our politicians, and our schools.

Friday, 31 August 2007


I observed a 6 year old boy all summer long for 6 to 8 hours a day. He was a perfectly normal child who exhibited normal behavior patterns. No abnormal psychology was detected for these long periods and he was easily controllable. Well, a new school year started last week and after just 3 days his seasoned teacher was keeping him in for recess and recommending that his guardian place him on medication! This is absolutely mind boggling to me. It is a travesty and yet teachers get away with this intimidation every day. They have all kinds of sneaky, dishonest, menacing ways to keep from getting caught diagnosing. They have been led to believe that they are all psychological experts and know more than parents and caretakers. A teaching degree is a cheap shot at an MD and teachers will never be qualified to give this kind of advice!

Wednesday, 22 August 2007


I am looking for a teacher (college degree not required; certification not required mainly because that doesn't tell me a thing about you as a person) who is not a part of any union, who is no longer interested in diagnosing and prescribing dumbing drugs for children, who actually cares about children, who is not interested in picketing for a higher salary every year, who has a genuine desire to help children falsely labeled ADD, ADHD, Autistic, LD, Dyslexic, who are on NO MEDICATION (a requirement of our school) who doesn't mind moving to a really warm, humid, socialistically controlled state, who likes working half a day for 4 days and one whole day each week. All rooms are air conditioned and we pay for your supplies.

Monday, 13 August 2007


I just have to give you a quote of a quote from a new book by Chris Mercogliano. "The article, "A Strange Malady Called Boyhood," written by Pulitzer Prize-winning science writer Natalie Angier, suggested that there has been a subtle but relentless shift in our culture's definition of what constitutes a "normal" boy. The nineteenth-century Tom Sawyer/Huck Finn archetype-brash, willful, naughty, rambunctious, aggressive, and always dirty-is no longer acceptable. Today, parents, teachers, psychologists, and pediatricians alike increasingly view the tempermental and behavioral distance between such boys and an ever narrower definition of normality as evidence of pathology. Such boys, they feel, are sick enough to require medication. And the powerful psychotropic drugs with which they then "treat" them enforce society's new definition all the way down to the biochemical level." We, at Lakewood, agree with this assertion. We prefer to call these youngsters (boys and girls alike) highly intelligent, multi-functioning, and highly active rather than ADHD impaired. We, at Lakewood, also prefer the terms multi-faceted, inquiring, and introspective rather than ADD resource candidates. As Chris ponders, even, "In evolutionary terms, how could as many as ten million kids have come down with a neurological disease virtually overnight? The idea defied reason." Yes, the whole idea of psychologically made up disorders does defy reason and because of it innocent children have to wear a dunce cap around for the rest of their lives. That is unless we all stop buying this load of (#!*!) and start believing in our children and their innate ability to learn and grow up at their own uncloned pace!

Tuesday, 7 August 2007

The Government's Intent?

Please explain this to me in laymen's terms so that I can understand! With all of our expertise in advancing technology (and in immorality, I might add) how is it that in 1940 80% of all black people could read, and 96% if all white (American cauc.) people could read? In 2000 only 60% of black people could read while only 83% of whites could read. That means that the number of blacks who can't read DOUBLED and the number of whites who can't read QUADRUPLED!!!! Evidently the 13 years of mandatory schooling in America isn't working too well. Why must our children spend 12 years in school NOT to learn what normally takes about 50 hours to learn - READING! Could it be mind control that the government is more interested in for our children? Drugging for control? How did you like listening to the pied piper tune for 12 years? Much worse than "water boarding" for many (the weaker of the race, our Dept. of Education would say)!!

Sunday, 29 July 2007


It is an admirable quality when you can laugh at yourself. But it is not so nice when someone else laughs at you! Our national education system is looked down upon, if not actually laughed at, by our international audience. Ask any foreign exchange student what they think of our public schools and they will tell you that they are "very unimpressed"! They can see that American school students' maturity level has been retarded by their own school system. The exchange students will tell you that school here is a lesson in how NOT to learn. So they know that when they go back to their native country that none of the school work completed here will be counted for credit. Their math and science skills are more advanced. Their language skills(in their native tongue) are more advanced. Their maturity level is more advanced. If attending the entire 10th grade here they must attend the 10th grade again when they go home. Why do you think foreign students want to attend college here in the U.S.? Surely not because of our superior education! They already know our educational weakness before they come. So if their motive is not to infiltrate our country as an illegal alien, then they want to come for fun - the reputation of our party culture and excess is known far and wide. Another reason is the prestige of attending school in such a rich culture. If you want fun come to America. If you are serious about your education stay home!

Wednesday, 25 July 2007


Behind closed doors! We allow our children to ride the bus to school with a complete stranger. Do you know what he/she does at night? Then behind closed doors at school another complete stranger begins the teaching (testing) process. Do you know what he/she does at night? This is what is really going on in classrooms around the country: Students being told to watch the hall for the principal so the teacher can make calls on the cell phone - teachers on the internet watching Mr. and Mrs. Santa making love with the large screen in full view of the students (4th grade) - teachers bragging about their sexual escapades and bar hopping stops the previous weekend to the students - teachers text messaging (who knows who) - teachers asking good students to give up their earned extra points (earned by turning extra work) to bad students so everyone can pass the course - teachers playing computer games while students copy board work (great critical thinking skill for the students)! Insolence, filth, demeaning, belittling, badgering, and desrespect (not just from the students but from the teachers) fill local public schools on a daily basis. Parents wake up! If Johnny is acting bad it isn't because he has a "made-up" disorder (i.e. ADHD), it's because he's being treated bad in what is supposed to be a safe-haven, Public School! We pay a lot of tax dollars to send our kids to school to be verbally abused if they sit crooked in their chair. Yet we keep sending Johnny back into a den of intellectual thieves and wolves -- those teachers and administrators whose job it is to dumb down anyone they can! Please, reply teachers, and tell me what percentage of teachers in your school really, truthfully, CARE about the children they teach!

Saturday, 21 July 2007


Being born in the U.S.A. is wonderful. The first three years of life are pretty amazing. I think I like it here. My folks are really cool and let me do just about anything I want to learn and grow. I can walk now. I can talk pretty good. I have learned a lot of things all by myself. I can even go to the bathroom by myself! Fast forward four years: School sucks! I feel like I am in a prison behind locked bars 5 days a week. What happened to my life. This is not where I want to be. All I keep hearing is "sit still", "you'd better be quiet", "stop it"! Why are my parents doing this to me? Am I stupid? Did I do something really bad? Have I got some kind of disease? Why do I have to take this medicine everyday? The teacher hates me and still my parents make me come here. It's not fair. I hate it and everyone hates me. Listen! Will someone besides a child psychologist listen? This poor kid still has 10 more years of this hell to go through. Why do we allow this to happen to perfectly intelligent, healthy children? Why do we keep beating this dead horse called forced government schooling? As G.K. Chesterton said, "A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it".

Friday, 20 July 2007


Why? Because of the ingredients in vaccines. Thimerosal(mercury based), Ethylene glycol (antifreeze), formaldehyde, aluminum, phenol, benzethonium chloride, amphotericin B, ammonium sulfate, rabbit brain, pig blood, monkey kidney, tri(n)butylphosphate, betapropiolactone, aluminum hydroxide. Vaccines have been linked to many unsavory symptoms not the least of which is the proliferation of learning disabilities. Do your own research and make your own decisions. Vaccines are only mandated for children not mandatory. There is a difference. Your children's future is a stake. Get informed! The doctor doesn't always know best!

Tuesday, 17 July 2007


Alike yet different. We like different kinds of cars, houses, and politicians. We look different, like different colors, have different fingerprints and iris. But we are all human beings. Since we have so many different preferences as adults why is it that we throw every child into the same 13 year prison system that we went through? Why do we make them all learn the same subjects? Where did this facist system come from? It doesn't really matter where it came from - the larger question is, why do we allow this broken system to control our lives and our children's lives for so many hours of so many days of our lives? Does it really take that long to provide fodder for the economic status of our world? Intelligent beings have been consumed by ignorance and now will believe anything. I guess forced schooling has worked! We just keep on letting it happen. We stay hunkered down in the same little box. We don't need newer and better technology because, even with it, we are still living in the dark ages.

Monday, 9 July 2007


First, say "NO" to TEENSCREEN!! It is unscientific. It is deceptively presented. It leads many teens right onto the psychiatrist's couch and into regular "therapy"! This should be proof enough that teen mental screening in schools can only make things worse. Be aware of these tests being masked as something else so you will sign the consent forms. Some schools don't even require parent consent! Second, ask the school administration what psychological testing is done each year! Some teachers give coupons, extra credit, or even money for signed consent forms. Because of this your teen may try to forge the consent form just to get the goodies. Lastly, check the text material in your teenager's books. Yes, it is a lot of work, but you would not even believe the psychological, mind controlling, babble in some text books! In elementary school it's bad. In High School, it's worse! In college, it's off the charts!

Sunday, 8 July 2007

WARNING!!! Be A Real Parent and SAY "NO"!!!

Don't let your child be subjected to psychological or mental screening at school. Be aware! They might try to do it without your permission! Why? Because once they are "screened", "analysed",(usually by answering a list of senseless, unrelated questions made up by psychs), if any subjective markers are found, that information will be eletronically stored and will become a part of your child's permanent school and medical chip records! These labels and tags hang on for life and are the excuse for drugging and controlling your child. Believe me or not. Your child is worth doing a little of your own research! If you want a life changer try reading some of John Taylor Gatto's work!

Saturday, 7 July 2007


Why are we continuously fighting this albatros of Public Education? Who decided what school should be like? Who decided just what subjects should be learned? This is a language all its own. It is called feeding off of the government! We frown and say, " I want my fair share" ! Why don't we go back to parents doing what they are supposed to do - teach their own children? Who said college-degreed personnel are the only qualified teachers? Who said kids have to learn in the daytime while mom is at work? Who made Public School the world's largest babysitting service? The answer? Shrinks! All must have been devised on the psychiatrist's couch! Want to find the answers to problems with your local public schools? You need only look as far as your state and federal departments of education. They don't think about the real welfare of your children - they only sniff out how much more money they can get and how many more pencil pushing jobs they can manufacture out of your tax dollars! SAD is a correct description. Just check it out!Technorati Profile

Self Education. The End to Failure, Labels, and Boredom!

Thursday, 5 July 2007


UNIVERSAL Pre-School - the answer to all of American education problems - is here! Watch for new buildings to be built around existing kindergarten and elementary schools. This is the new government plan to include 0-4 year olds in their compulsory education program. Yes, they are even planning on baby beds - check out the Head Start centers! It won't be long now!With the new Democratic congress the teacher's unions will be jumping up and down, twisting arms, buying votes to ram this through in every state. The New Freedom Initiative is rolling on like a steam roller for mental health screening for every child and teacher in the system. In the interim, Big Government will be strong-arming the private sector Class "A" day care centers and forcing the use of their buildings to get things rolling! The day care owners will have to use the government's Quality Rating System in order to keep their doors open for business. They say it is all voluntary but don't fall for all the flowery language. Unless day care owners comply with the new "rules" their parents won't get a new and larger tax break for child care! This is already on the books and Louisiana is the first state to use the tax system to implement its program. Other states use the lottery, the school system, or sin taxes to fund the program. What the poor unsuspecting parents and day care owners don't realize is that they will be paying higher taxes so they can get the tax "breaks"! The programs cost millions! Then when the Public School System has all of its new buildings in place they will start using their own certified teachers to fill the day care positions and the day care owners will be left hanging out to dry. Private day care will be for the wealthy few if they are there at all!

And by the way, these new government rules include letting the children in day care pretty much do what they want with no consequences for bad behavior. Big Brother will be constantly watching. Parent's poor kids will be allowed to run wild during the day. Can you imagine how wound up they will be when mom picks them up after a hard day's work, takes them home and tries to discipline them? Oh, and don't let your child "act up" at school because s/he might receive a "day care" mental screening and a diagnosis of ADHD and a prescription for a Ritalin "patch"! Check out the insert on the side effects of this bomb for yourself. Don't settle for the mental health professional's words of encouragement. Remind me - what kind of government is this again?

Tuesday, 3 July 2007


QUESTION #7: Do we pay the government(taxes) to be the parents of our children. Are we abdicating our God-given responsibility? If so, then they - the various government entities - don't make very good parents. Big Brother will not win any awards for parenthood! The first six questions show you why. Need more proof? ALL of public education, including the new Quality Rating System programs to launch public day care, are geared toward welfare children and those with learning disabilities. Why do you think so many children are so bored in school? All the teacher can do now is teach and practice (over and over) the LEAP or competency tests. If the kids don't score well, the schools will lose federal dollars and their schools can be taken over by the courts. Government rather than PARENT leadership is why our country is in such an educational fiasco! The boat is sinking and there is no fix for the current system. The Public School System is like a big PIG who is so overstuffed that its legs can no longer hold it up. It is crawling along at a pre-historic, archaic pace. Compulsory Public Education is the largest employer in the U.S. if you take into consideration all of its many arms. Can you imagine the jobs and the corporations(including the publishers of standardized tests) that would be "infected" if parents stood up and said, "NO MORE!" The U.S. has its own Weapons of Mass Destruction - they are called Compulsory Public Schools! A parents revolt might start the next depression, but at least we would have our kids back!

Self Education. The End to Failure, Labels, and Boredom!

Saturday, 30 June 2007


Question #6: Why does Thimerosal (mercury) continue to be placed in most mandated vaccines for children? This substance has been scientifically linked to many of the learning disabilities that children are drugged for today! As a matter of fact, these learning disabilities were quite rare until thimerosal produced heavy metal poisoning in children whose bodies, for one valid reason or another, were unable to excrete these heavy metals as rapidly as they should. If this is not true, then why does the CDC have a whole department set up that deals solely with adverse reactions to these mandated shots and their resulting disorders. Why do you think that is? Help me out here. Isn't there a safer alternative? Then why not use it and quit harming our children? But then, alas, the doctors injecting our kids wouldn't get their kickback from the big pharmaceutical companies making the vaccines! Who cares about kids when there's money to be made?

Thursday, 28 June 2007

Pledge of ALLEGIANCE to What?

Question #5: Could the president's New Freedom Initiative, which includes a "mental screening" for all children in school(pre-k to 12th grade) with administration of illness-specific medication, be an intentional ploy to label children for life and thus keep our economic status powerful - especially the prescription drug industry? Are we teaching children to be chronic drug users by making prescribed Schedule II narcotics so readily available even on school campuses? This almost sounds like social engineering. Could it be? In America, the land of the free! Maybe it's Pledge of Allegiance to Who?

Wednesday, 27 June 2007

The Washington Deception

Question #4: Could it be that all the window dressing is a facade for keeping your children dumbed down? If so, the government can keep a steady supply of drop-outs, drugged and slow kids, usually labeled as resource, learning disabled, bi-polar, ADD, ADHD, autistic, etc to populate corporate America as burger flippers, Wal-Mart clerks and stock-boys, oil-field workers, cable-layers, factory workers, and garbage collectors. After all, blue collar workers are the ones that make corporate America run and keep us #1!

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

How Is This Possible?

Question #3: Could it be, that all the promises of our federal and state governments to "leave no child behind" are simply window dressing designed to make unsuspecting parents and other special interest groups think they are really trying to put our children back on the road to success? Think long and hard about it. New "patches" each year from supposedly intelligent leaders, yet a steady decline and very little rebound each year. How is this possible in such an upwardly mobile, elite, and civilized society like America.

Monday, 25 June 2007

Education Taxes - Who are they For?

How well are YOUR TAX dollars being spent? Some Care. Some see no use in caring - you can't fight the system. They just accept whatever the government says, or doesn't say, which is usually the case. QUESTION #2: Don't you find it odd that with all of the publicized, researched, and highly acclaimed "fixes" for poor school performance in the U.S., that the ship is still sinking? Economically the U.S. is number one in the world, while Math, Science, Language and Literacy rates are way down the list when compared to other countries!

Self Education. The End to Failure, Labels, and Boredom!

Sunday, 24 June 2007

Remedial College Freshmen ?

Question #1: Don't you find it odd that with all of the informational, innovative, and technological advances in this country, since the industrial revolution, that the literacy rate is now lower than it was in pre-industrial days? What could possibly be the explanation for such digression? I smell conspiracy!

Friday, 6 April 2007

The Dismal State of Education in America

A dissident I am to current directions of education in America. This isn't the place that it started out to be. Forefathers aside as well as their intentions - who cares what their intentions were? Individual intentions don't matter anymore - do they ever in a socialist (disguised as capitalist) government? And FREE AMERICA is trying to start democracies in other countries! We can't even educate our on children - we can't even spank our own children! Talk about NO DIRECTION! In less than 10 years we will have a whole new breed of human beings running around thinking that they can control the world!